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Pietro Berrettini da Cortona (1596-1669)

John Banister (1533-1610)
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)
Charles Estienne (c.1505-1564)
Juan de Valverde (c.1525-c.1587)
Giulio Casserio (c.1552-1616)
Adriaan van der Spiegel (c.1578-1625)
Pietro Berrettini da Cortona (1596-1669)
Govard Bidloo (1649-1713)
Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770)
These drawings are the work of one of the most prominent artists of the Roman High Baroque, and were prepared from dissections made at the Santo Spirito Hospital about 1618. Typically for the period, the figures are vividly posed within landscapes adorned with classical ruins, some holding what appear to be framed mirrors in which are reflected ancillary figures. The drawings are highly finished in brown ink and black chalk, washed with blue, sepia and grey. Certain structures, for example, the nerves are highlighted with white paint.

Click on thumbnail for larger image.

Tabulę anatomicę a Petro Berrettino delineate, ... Romę, 1741.Table 5. [Z.1.7]

The drawings were used as the basis of engravings, but these were not published until 1741, some one hundred and twenty years later.

Hunter was presented with this volume by the distinguished diplomat Sir William Hamilton in 1772.

In table five, the thorax and the abdomen have been opened up and the legs and arms have been dissected.