Determining Form: Creative Non-Fiction Journeys

Friday June 11th

4.00pm-5.30pm Registration  Melville Room

Wine Reception

Guest Speaker: Rodge Glass @ 6.30pm

Melville Room

Saturday June 12th


9.00am-9.45am Late Registration   Melville Room
10.00am  Guest speaker Kapka Kassabova Senate Room
10.45am-12.20pm Panel 1 Senate Room
12.20-1.25 Lunch Senate Room
1.30-2.40  Panel 2 Senate Room
2.40-3.00   Break  Senate Room
3.00-4.20  Panel 3   Senate Room

Wine Reception  
Guest Speaker: Sarah Bakewell @ 6pm 

Melville Room
Panel 1 – 10.45am-12.20pm Introduced and chaired by Elizabeth Reeder

  Erin Soros: Eyes! Birds! Walnuts! Pennies! Writing Psychosis
  Lynn Mastellotto: Travel Memoirs: “Made In Italy”
  Alexandra Manglis: Thoreau, Dillard, and the Narrative of Discovery

Panel 2 – 1.30-2.40 chaired by Laura / Micaela

  Rhiannon Marks: Combining the Creative and the Critical: The Letter and The Academic Essay
  Katie Karneham: Composite Characters in Autobiographical and Ethnographic Writing: Unethical or Honest?
  Jenny Mckay: Reportage from Foreign Lands: Who Matters Most, the Writer, the Reader, or the Subject of the Story?

Panel 3 – 3.00-4.20 chaired by Laura / Micaela

  Jo Collinson Scott: An Introduction to Schizoanalysis: The Attempt to Develop a Musical Form of Criticism
  Helen Pleasance: Ghosts of The Real: The Spectral Memoir
  Rebecca Gordon: ‘One Doesn’t Have Much but Oneself’: Christopher Isherwood’s Investigation into Identity and the Manipulation of Form in The Memorial