Online MSc Data Analytics

Data is becoming an ever increasing part of modern life, yet the talent to extract information and value from complex data is scarce. This Masters will provide you with a thorough grounding in state-of-the art methods for learning from data, both in terms of statistical modelling and computation. You will also gain practical hands-on experience in carrying out various data-driven analytical projects.

Online Distance Learning

The programme will be delivered via online distance learning. Your courses will consist of reading material, tutor-led videos and rich interactive content, which you will work on at your on pace, with milestones and assessment to be completed according to an agreed timetable. You will be able to interact with tutors and be given individual support in one-to-one videoconferencing tutorials.

More information about online learning at Glasgow can be found on the Glasgow Online microsite.

Information sessions

We run regular online information sessions for prospective students to find out more about the programme and ask questions.

Register for an information session

You can also view recordings of recent information sessions on YouTube.


You will be working with state-of-the-art software in data analytics, including: