Unit spectra of K-theory via strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras

Ulrich Pennig (University of Muenster)

Tuesday 5th November, 2013 16:00-17:00 Maths 416


I will speak about an operator algebraic model for the first space of the unit spectrum of complex topological K-theory, i.e. BGL_1(KU), and related 
infinite loop spaces via bundles of stabilized strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. The proof that the classifying space of these bundles has the right
homotopy type is based on the I-monoid model for GL_1(KU) developed by Sagave and Schlichtkrull. I will try to keep the material self-contained,
so no prior knowledge about infinite loop spaces is required to follow the talk. The results are joint work with Marius Dadarlat.

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