Rachael Mellin



Email: r.mellin.1@research.gla.ac.uk
Office: Stair Building, Room 520 

PhD Topic

A metaphysical explanation of legal organisations as planning groups


Professor George Pavlakos
Dr Stephan Leuenberger (Philosophy)


Rachael attained her undergraduate M.A. (hons) degree in Philosophy from the University of Glasgow in June 2017 with a dissertation examining the proposal that a plurality of concrete possible worlds can ground the truth of modal statements.

She transferred to the School of Law for her PhD to pursue her interests in exploring the metaphysics of law and social ontology.

Research Interests

My research interests include: metaphysics (particularly social ontology), philosophy of language, philosophy of law. I am especially interested in the metaphysics of groups and group agency.

I co-organise the Social Ontology Reading Group (SORG).

I have also been involved with The Philosophy and Law Workshop.


College of Social Sciences Scholarship, University of Glasgow, 2017-2020