General Call for Contributions:

As ever, we welcome suggestions for papers, presentations and future events. The remit for SNoMS is 'Modernism' in its broadest, most diverse senses. This includes, but is not restricted to: modernity, the avant-garde, the fin-de-siècle, modern and contemporary legacies and historical anticipations.' In the light of this, we would welcome offers of papers from post-graduate students as well as faculty researchers from across the disciplines. Titles and short abstracts for presentations which would usually be around 20 minutes in length should be sent via email.



Keep an eye on this space for future announcements.


New: a calendar of conferences and calls for papers on Twentieth Century topics, courtesy of Michelle Witen (Oxford). If you know of an event (lecture, conference, seminar, colloquium, etc) that can be added to the calendar please email Michelle: