Dr Yongqiang Qiu

Position: Post-Doctoral Research Associate (Systems Power and Energy)
Email: Yongqiang.Qiu@glasgow.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1382 388751
James Watt South Building
School of Engineering
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ

Yongqiang received his Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering from Tianjin University (China) in 2007.

He then moved to the University of Dundee (UK) and received his MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering with the thesis entitled "Optimisation of ultrasonic tool performance in surgery" in 2009. After that, he continued his PhD research at University of Dundee, mainly working on the development of ultrasonic devices for microparticle and cell manipulation in an EPSRC funded project, “Sonotweezers”. During his PhD, he also gained experience in thin film technologies in the Materials Research Institute at Pennsylvania State University as a short-term visiting scholar. He received his PhD in 2014, and currently works in Theme 2 of the SONOPILL programme.

Yongqiang’s research interests include development of high frequency and high performance ultrasonic devices; finite element analysis; nano-/micro-fabrication; and microparticle and cell manipulation technologies.

In the Sonopill project, his main focus is working on the development of ultrasonic components for the Sonopills, including design, modelling, manufacture, characterisation and functional test. He is also exploring potential fabrication methods for next-generation ultrasonic arrays for biological and medical applications.