Our postgraduate researchers

Our postgraduate research students play an active role in the Centre, contributing to the research culture, development of events, work with colleagues across the University and disabled people's organisations.

Our successful doctoral students have secured positions in academic, policy and practice roles across the globe. 

Current PhD students

Sam Brady is working on the social, political, and technical history of sporting wheelchairs in collaboration with National Paralympic Heritage Trust.

Amanda Ptolomey is researching everyday life with disabled girls and young women using zine-making workshops as a creative feminist method.

Nafsika Zarkou is investigating Muslim Pakistani women’s experiences caring for disabled children in Scotland: an intersectional exploration of motherhood, family life, disability, and state support.

Mads Wedel Kristensen is researching stigmatized identities of people born with a congenital limb-difference and the strategies they employ when embodying their identity.

Paul Pearson is researching people's lived experience of brain injury in collaboration with Headway Glasgow.

Qualified students 

Our successful postgraduate students go into a wide variety of areas, including work at universities, with health services, and in the arts and creative sectors.

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