Demolition starts

Work has started to demolish the former Maths and Stats building in University Gardens - a prelude to work starting on the Learning and Teaching Hub.

Maths and Stats Building


University Gardens has been closed to vehicle access and parking for the last two weeks to allow contractor, Graham Construction, to begin the task.

The demolition process started on Monday 31 July and the UofG will do its best to keep disruption to a minimum. The programme for demolition should last around nine weeks ending mid-October.

There will be a further couple of weeks when the construction team will be creating what's called a piling mat: this is a working surface or platform spread across the site capable of supporting heavy machinery. In this case, it will be formed from some of the crushed material from the former Maths and Stats building.  In part, this will help when piles are driven to support the new Hub. Inevitably there will be some noise with these processes.

Watch the demolition 

The demolition

Work hours

The contractor’s working hours, in terms of noise being produced, are set out under Glasgow City Council’s planning permission agreement as:

Monday to Friday: 8am to 7pm;
Saturdays: 8am to 1pm;
Sundays: no working, although there may be occasions when non-disruptive, administrative-type work is carried out.

Pedestrian access 

Pedestrian access along the upper level of University Gardens will be maintained. However, there will be times during the nine weeks demolition programme - when the tallest parts of the building are being pulled down - that wheelchair and pedestrian access along the lower part of University Gardens will not be permitted for health and safety reasons.

Once the contractors have cleared the whole site, work will begin on the new Learning and Teaching Hub; this is anticipated to start at the end of October and will be carried out by our main contractor, Multiplex.

Boyd Orr access

Work on the site is currently focused on the Boyd Orr car park site - not the Boyd Orr Building itself at this stage. The Boyd Orr Building will be kept operational and access down Ashton Lane will not be affected.

Professors' Square parking

Some parking spaces on the Western side of the Square have been made available again, now that the scaffolding work has been completed.

Any questions?

If you have any queries, please email

First published: 31 July 2017

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