Student at home?

Published: 20 March 2017

A University project is exploring the experiences of students who live at home. Find out more - and take part here...

A University project is exploring the experiences of students who live at home.

Academics from a range of backgrounds, led by Professor Stephany Biello, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, are engaged with the study. The SRC is also involved with the project.

Professor Biello told Campus e-News: "We know that around 30% of Glasgow students live in their own homes or at their parental/guardian home during term-time while they are at the UofG.

"Travelling from home to the university every day means that these students have a number of challenges. Our project is exploring the challenges that these students face in more detail, in order to make recommendations to Senior Management on actions that aim to facilitate a positive University experience. To this end we would like to get students to contribute their views.

"The intended outcomes of the project are to explore student experiences of living at home with a view to creating supportive resources. Findings will be disseminated within the University of Glasgow, the SRC and externally."

Contribute to the study here... 

First published: 20 March 2017