Reviewing the list(s) you own

Clean up

Checking whether your list is still required, if they are owned by the right person and with the right audience

  1. Remove the list(s) if they are no longer in use
  2. Change ownership of lists you own if you are no longer working in that area/able to maintain them, or add additional owners if it is more appropriate
  3. Remove any members that should no longer be included in the list(s)
  4. Review the description field of your list(s)and if necessary update the description field with clear information about the intended audience and how the list is used

List permissions

Sympa contains functionality which allows an owner to choose who can send an email to a distribution list and also who can reply to the messages they receive

Selecting the relevant permissions settings depending on the purpose and use of your distribution list(s) defining:

  1. Who can send messages
  2. Who Control how replies to the list are handled

Further information