Hybrid Working - FAQs

Is hybrid working the same as flexible working?

Hybrid working is a form of flexible working where individuals vary their place of work (usually with prior agreement). It may be combined with other forms of flexible working (e.g. colleagues may work part-time, in a hybrid manner where some days are worked on campus and some are worked at another location). 

Can I work 100% remotely?

The University recognises the benefits gained from the interactions between colleagues and their workplaces/campuses and the role that colleagues play in enhancing the overall campus experience for our entire community. It has therefore set out an expectation that colleagues on hybrid working will spend some time on campus each week. 

Can I be compelled to adopt hybrid working?

It is recognised that individuals have a range of preferences and working styles and nobody should feel compelled to adopt hybrid working if it is not for them. Individuals should discuss any preferences (or concerns) that they have with their line manager. 

How do I request hybrid working?

Colleagues wishing to explore options around hybrid working should speak with their line manager in the first instance. It may be helpful to read the Hybrid Working Guidance in advance and/or the wider Hybrid Working Toolkit to help inform the dialogue and the consideration of options. 

Will hybrid working affect my contract?

Hybrid working arrangements will not normally require a change in terms and conditions of employment however combining hybrid working with certain forms of flexible working which change the number of hours or days worked (e.g. part time working) would require contractual changes. 

Will the university pay a 'homeworking allowance' for equipment, furniture, utility bills etc.?

No homeworking or equivalent allowance is available due to the non-contractual nature of hybrid working. Colleagues should discuss any equipment requirements with their line manager and an appropriate on campus workstation should always be available if required. 

How do I carry out a risk assessment of my hybrid workspace?

The Safety and Environmental Protection Service (SEPS) web pages on computers and DSE assessments contain relevant advice, information and support resources (including links to the DSE assessment form) 

Can I appeal if I am not allowed to adopt hybrid working?

Colleagues should bring any questions or concerns around hybrid working to the attention of their line manager in the first instance. It is likely that most requests for hybrid working will fall under the scope of an ‘informal request’ under the university’s Flexible Working Policy and where such a request cannot be accepted based on the information at the initial stage then individuals may consider advancing their request to the formal process (Section 5.7 of the policy) in order to explore the request in more detail. 

Where can I find further support regarding IT and tools to support hybrid working?

The Glasgow Anywhere pages contain a range of information and support in relation to IT tools and resources. 

Are there any plans to change the available IT equipment?

The university’s intention is to move from the current environment where many staff work from multiple devices (desktop, laptop, mobile device) with different applications on different devices in different locations, to a more secure, consistent approach where staff have one device which enables them to access all the applications they require from that device.  

This will require discussion around how we procure and deploy devices in future and it is likely that this new environment will be introduced over time through the replacement lifecycle, replacing Desktop PCs with laptops and docking stations, where appropriate.  

It is also acknowledged that the design of space and use of technology are interdependent.