Syphilis Books by Proksch Category

‌Johann Karl Proksch (b. February 1, 1840 in Jägerndorf, d. March 19, 1923 in Vienna) - was an Austrian physician and historian of medicine. He studied at the University of Olomouc and from 1867 he practiced in Vienna. He specialised in skin and venereal diseases and in 1889-1891 he published the first edition of what is still the most comprehensive bibliography of texts published on syphilis from the 15th to the 19th century.

His broad subject areas are still a useful means of organising an historical collection such as this and the works of the Glasgow Syphilis collection appear below as categorised in his great work: Die Litteratur über die venerischen Krankheiten. Von den ersten Schriften über Syphilis aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts bis 1889 systematisch zusammengestellt. I-III. Bonn 1889-91.

Acids (säuren)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Blair, William Essays on the venereal disease and its concomitant affections London 1798 G17-h.18
Platt, Charles An enquiry into the efficacy of oxygene, in the cure of syphilis London 1802 NF.4.9

Anononymous and popular works

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
[Keyser, Jean] Methode de M. Keyser, : pour l'administration de ses dragées dans le traitement des maladies venériennes   1762 RB 2676
Buchan, William Observations concerning the prevention and cure of the venereal diseases London 1796 G14-h.3

Articles or parts of works

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Rostinio, Pietro Trattato di mal francese Venice 1556 Hunterian Ab.8.33
Montuus, Hieronymus Halosis febrivm... libri IX. Chirurgica auxilia ad aliquot affectus, qui repentinam exigunt curationem, [Hieronymus Montuus]. Morbi item venerei, ac eorum, qui huic vicini sunt, curationes Lyon 1558 Hunterian Av.2.30
Lobera de Avila, Luis Libro delle qvatro infermi ... et mal francese Venice 1558 Hunterian Ci.4.1
Chalmetée, Antoine Enchiridion chirvrgicvm, externorvm morborvm remedia... complectens, [Antoine Chalmetée]. Quibus morbi venerei curandi methodus Paris 1560 Hunterian Z.8.21
Sylvius, Johannes De morbi articvlarii cvratione tractatvs qvatvor ... Eiusdem De morbo Gallico declamatio Antwerp 1565 Hunterian Ci.4.25
Fernel, Jean Ioannis Fernelij Ambiani De luis venereae Antwerp 1579 Hunterian Ci.4.27
Clowes, William Prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder London 1591 Hunterian Aw.3.28
Foreest, Pieter van Observationvm et cvrationvm medicinalivm … et lue venerea Frankfurt 1609 Bm4-d.11
Saporta, Antoine. Antonii Saportæ De tumoribus præter naturam...Tractatus de lue venerea Lyon 1624 Hunterian Cf.4.1
Wiseman, Richard Severall chirurgicall treatises London 1676 Bk2-c.15
La Charrière, Joseph de Nouvelle méthode d'opérations de chirurgie, avec deux Traitez, l'un de la nouvelle manière de guérir la vérole … Paris 1693 Hunterian Cf.4.27
Lister, Martin Martini Lister Sex exercitationes medicinales de quibusdam morbis chronicis: quarum prima est, de hydrope; secunda, de diabete; tertia, quarta, de lue venerea London 1694 Hunterian At.2.24
Jackson, Joseph Enchiridion medicum theoretico-practicum … (Cui subnectitur Appendix de lue venerea) London 1695 Hunterian Ci.4.5
Mayerne, Theodore Turquet de Praxeos Mayernianae ... syntagma alterum, quatuor tractatus continens: viz. … IV. De lue venerea London 1696 Hunterian Av.3.4
Lister, Martin Martini Lister Sex exercitationes medicinales de quibusdam morbis chronicis: quarum … quarta, De lue venerea Frankfurt 1696 Bo7-m.13
Lister, Martin Martini Lister Octo exercitationes medicinales; quarum I. ... IV. De lue venerea London 1697 Hunterian Ci.4.2
Jackson, Joseph Enchiridion medicum theoretico-practicum ... appendix de lue venerea Amsterdam 1697 Bh1-l.16
Jackson, Joseph Enchiridion medicum theoretico-practicum … Appendix de lue venerea. Brussels 1705 Hunterian Au.4.21
Wiseman, Richard Eight chirurgical treatises on these following heads … VIII. Of the lues venerea London 1705 NG.1.1
Harris, Walter De morbis acutis infantum, [Walter Harris]. Cui accessit liber observationes de morbis aliquot gravioribus medicas complectens. Annexis etiam quibusdam De luis venereæ origine London 1705 Hunterian Au.1.8
Harris, Walter De morbis acutis infantum. Accessêre observationes medicæ de morbis aliquot gravioribus et quaedam de luis venereæ origine… Amsterdam 1715 NF.9.14
Garnier, Pierre Nouvelles formules de médecine, latines et françoises, pour le Grand Hôtel-Dieu de Lion ... Augmentées et corrigées par l'Autheur, avec un Traité de la vérole. Paris 1716 Hunterian Cl.4.5
Harris, Walter Gualterus Harris De morbis acutis infantum Accessere observationes medicae de morbis aliquot gravioribus, et quaedam de luis venereae origine … Amsterdam 1736 Sp Coll 1074
Locher, Maximilian Maximiliani Locher Observationes practicæ circa luem veneream Vienna 1762 Hunterian Ek.1.4
Geach, Francis Medical and chirurgical observations on inflammations of the eyes. On the venereal disease London 1766 Hunterian Ek.2.12
Hennen, John Principles of military surgery, comprising observations … history, treatment, and anomalies of variola and syphilis Edinburgh 1820 NN.5.14


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Rees, George A treatise on the primary symptoms of lues venerea London 1802 NF.4.2

Calomel (Quecksilberchlorid)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Bromfield, William An account of the English nightshades … on the cure of the lues venerea by the secretion of urine instead of salivation London 1757 Hunterian Em.3.1
Royer, Thomas Dissertation sur une méthode nouvelle de traiter les maladies vénériennes Paris 1767 Ferguson Af-b.30
Clare, Peter An essay on the cure of abscesses by caustic, and on the treatment of wounds … also a new method of curing the lues venerea London 1779 Hunterian Cb.2.5
Clare, Peter An essay on the cure of abscesses by caustic, and on the treatment of wounds … also a new method of curing the lues venerea London 1779 Hunterian Z.6.14
Clare, Peter An essay on the cure of abscesses by caustic, and on the treatment of wounds … also a new method of curing the lues venerea London 1779 NG.9.4
Clare, Peter An essay on the cure of abscesses by caustic, and on the treatment of wounds … also a new method of curing the lues venerea London 1779 Hunterian Ch.2.13
Clare, Peter An essay on the cure of abscesses by caustic, and on the treatment of wounds … also a new method of curing the lues venerea. London 1779 Bi1-g.12
Clare, Peter A new and easy method of curing the lues venerea London 1780 Hunterian Ab.6.1

Chancre. General memoirs.

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Lind, James Dissertatio ... de morbis venereis localibus Edinburgh 1748 Hunterian Em.1.9

Collected works and supplements

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Tectander, Joseph (ed) Morbi Gallici cvrandi ratio exqvisitissima Basel 1536 Hunterian Ab.6.23
Tectander, Joseph (ed) Morbi Gallici cvrandi ratio exqvisitissima Lyon 1536 Hunterian Ab.7.27
Tectander, Joseph (ed) Morbi Gallici cvrandi ratio exqvisitissima Basel 1536 Bl7-g.11 (item 1)
Tectander, Joseph (ed) Morbi Gallici cvrandi ratio exqvisitissima Lyon 1536 Hunterian Add. 217
Luisini, Luigi Aphrodisiacus, sive de lue venerea Leiden 1728 Bl3-a.2-3
Gruner, C. Aphrodisiacus sive De lue venerea Jena 1789 Ferguson Ak-x.18


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Adams, Joseph Observations on morbid poisons, chronic and acute : the first comprehending syphilis London 1807 NG.3.11

Diseases resembling syphilis

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Abernethy, John Surgical observations on diseases resembling syphilis London 1814 DK.13.2
Abernethy, John Surgical observations on diseases resembling syphilis London 1814 NN.5.8

Gonorrhoea (general treatise)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Grube, Hermann Disputatio ... de gonorrhoea Leiden 1666 82.b.5
Grube, Hermann Disputatio ... de gonorrhoea Leiden 1666 82.b.8
Cockburn, William The symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonorrhoea London 1713 Hunterian Ab.6.5
Carpzov, Christian Benedikt Christiani Benedicti Carpzovii De sexus seqvioris gonorrhoea Leipzig 1718 Hunterian Ab.7.26
Cockburn, William The symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonorrhoea London 1719 Hunterian Ab.6.3
Cockburn, William The symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonorrhoea London 1719 NH.1.13
Turner, Daniel A discourse concerning gleets: their cause and cure. With a prefatory account of Professor Boerhaave's new comments on the venereal disease London 1729 NH.3.4
Chapman, Samuel An essay on the venereal gleet London 1751 Hunterian Add. 25
Daran, Jacques A complete treatise on the virulent gonorrhoea London 1766 NH.6.24
Daran, Jacques A complete treatise on the virulent gonorrhoea London 1766 Hunterian Ab.7.24
Graham, Samuel Dissertatio ... de gonorrhoea virulenta Edinburgh 1776 82.b.24
Graham, Samuel Dissertatio ... de gonorrhoea virulenta Edinburgh 1776 82.b.15
Simmons, Samuel Foart Observations on the cure of the gonorrhoea London 1780 Bi8-f.12
Gibson, William Dissertatio ... de gonorrhoea virulenta Edinburgh 1790 82.b.24
Simmons, Samuel Foart Observations on the cure of gonorrhoea, and some other effects of the venereal virus Edinburgh 1794 NE.2.5
Dufour W. A practical treatise on diseases of the urethra ... To which is added a variety of cases, tending to shew the efficacy of Daran's medicated bougies; and a new method of treating a gonorrhoea London 1817 NF.4.14

Gonorrhoea. Pathology.

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Lapus, Johannes Hieronymus De curatione stranguriae contumacis frequentem, maleque tractatam, gonorrhoeam virulentam Rome 1754 Y7-a.7

Gonorrhoea. Treatment.

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Rowley, William An essay on the cure of the fresh contracted venereal disease London 1771 Hunterian Add. 14
Bayford, Thomas The effects of injection into the urethra, and the use and abuse of those remedies in the cure and prevention of the virulent gonorrhoea London 1773 85.d.3

Grey mercury treatment

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Haguenot, Henri Mémoire contenant une nouvelle methode de traiter la verole Montpelier 1734 NE.5.17

Guaiacum (Guajak)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Various Liber de morbo Gallico Venice? 1535 Ferguson Af-b.51 (item 2)
Ferri, Alfonso Alfonsi Ferri De ligni sancti multiplici medicina Basel 1538 Hunterian Cl.4.3
Lecoq, Antoine De ligno sancto non permiscendo Paris 1540 Hunterian Ab.7.11 (item 1)
Paracelsus Holtzbüchlein, darinnen gründtlich der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1564 Ferguson Aq-e.48
Paracelsus Holtzbüchlein, darinnen gründtlich der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1564 Ferguson Ap-d.33
Paracelsus Drey Bücher. I. Das Holtzbüchlin, darinnen... der recht Nutz... des frantzosen Holtzes Strasbourg 1565 Ferguson Ap-d.28


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Maynwaring, Everard, Historia et mysterium luis venereæ Frankfurt 1675 Ferguson Ao-f.27
Phil-porney The natural secret history of both sexes: or, a modest defense of public stews London 1740 NK.8.9
Phil-porney The natural secret history of both sexes: or, a modest defense of public stews London 1740 Hunterian Z.7.21
Beckett, William A collection of chirurgical tracts. … IV. The history ... of the venereal disease London 1740 NK.8.9
Beckett, William A collection of chirurgical tracts. … IV. The history ... of the venereal disease London 1740 Hunterian Z.7.21
Sanchez, Antonio Nuñez Ribeiro Dissertation sur l'origine de la maladie vénérienne Paris 1765 Hunterian Ab.7.21
Hensler, Philipp Gabriel Geschichte der Lustseuche die zu Ende des XV Altona [und] Hamburg 1783 Ferguson Ap-y.98

Hydrargyria (mercury poisoning)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Agustini, Antonio Stranguria, quæ venerea dicitur, mercurii aliquando esse potest effectus Venice 1763 Hunterian Ab.6.7
Mathias, Andrew The mercurial disease. An inquiry into the history and nature of
the disease produced in the human constitution by the use of
mercury, with observations on its connexion with the lues venerea
London 1811 NF.4.7
Mathias, Andrew The mercurial disease. An inquiry into the history and nature of
the disease produced in the human constitution by the use of
mercury, with observations on its connexion with the lues venerea
London 1816 e.3.20

Hypersalivation (Salivationskuren)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Brunner, Johannes Jacobus à Dissertatio... de methodo tuta et facili, citra salivationem, curandi luem veneream Schaffhausen 1739 Hunterian Em.1.9
Scott, John Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de salivationis ad luem veneream Edinburgh 1750 BC5-b.12

Inaugural dissertations and theses

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Ridley, Humphrey Disputatio ... de lue venerea Leiden 1679 82.b.6
Jouneau, P. R. Dissertatio... de lue venerea Leiden 1724 Hunterian Em.1.9
Harrison, William Dissertatio ... de lue venerea Edinburgh 1781 Hunterian Ek.3.9
Logan, John Murdoch Dissertatio ... de morbo venerco [sic] Edinburgh 1784 82.b.16
Elcock, Nicholas Dissertatio ... de morbo venereo Edinburgh 1786 82.b.16
Millar, Richard Dissertatio medico inauguralis, de morbi venerei natura Glasgow 1789 82.b.22


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Wathen, Jonathan Practical observations, concerning the cure of the venereal disease by mercurials London 1765 Hunterian Ek.1.4
Duncan, Andrew Observations on the operation and use of mercury in the venereal disease Edinburgh 1772 Y4-m.16
Horne, Jacques de Exposition raisonée des différentes méthodes d'administrer le mercure dans les maladies vénériennes Paris 1775 Hunterian Add. 190

Mercury oxide (Quecksilberoxydule)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Plenck, J Iosephi Iacobi Plenck Methodvs... argentvm vivvm aegris venerea labe Vienna 1766 Hunterian Em.3.1
Plenck, J A new and easy method of giving mercury, to those affected with the venereal disease London 1768 RB 2676

Mercury protoxide (Quecksilberoxydule)

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Plenck, Josef Jakob, Ritter von Neue und leichte Art den mit der Lustseuche angesteckten Kranken das Quecksilber zu geben Vienna 1767 Ferguson Ap-y.101

Nostrums and popular remedies

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Marten, John A treatise of all the degrees and symptoms of the venereal disease London 1708 Hunterian Ab.6.11
Knör, Ludwig Wilhelm von Venus a la mode, das ist: die anietzo im Schwang gehende venerische Moden-Kranckheit Leipzig 1717 Ferguson Ao-f.20

Not listed

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Cataneo, Giacomo Jacobi Catanei Opus de morbo Gallico Turin 1532 Hunterian Ab.6.6
Paracelsus Erster Theil [-der dritte] der grossen Wundartzney … die Frantzosen genannt Frankfurt 1562 Ferguson Ap-d.51
Ferrier, Auger de Augerii Ferrerii De lue Hispanica sive morbo Gallico Paris 1564 Hunterian Ab.7.11 (item 2)
Botalli, Lionardo Leonardi Botalli Commentarioli duo, alter De medici … De lue venerea Lyon 1565 Hunterian Ch.4.1
Clowes, William A ... treatise touching the cure of the disease called (morbus gallicus) London 1579 Hunterian Ab.8.35
Paracelsus An excellent treatise teaching howe to cure the French-pockes London 1590 Ferguson Af-c.37
Rudio, Eustachio Evstachii Rvdii De morbo Gallico libri quinque Venice 1604 Hunterian Ab.6.4
Shirley, John A short compendium of chirurgery … With the several methods of curing the French pox London 1678 Hunterian Aw.3.33
Prat, Ellis … seven new treatises, viz. of tumors, ..., lues-venerea, anatomy. By Ellis Prat. London 1689 Ferguson Am-b.34
Read, Alexander Chirurgorum comes: or, the whole practice of chirurgery … To which is added, by way of appendix, two treatises, one of the venereal disease London 1696 Ferguson Am-e.6
Verduc, Jean-Baptiste Les opérations de la chirurgie, par vne methode courte et facile, [Jean-Baptiste Verduc]. Avec deux traitez, l'un des maladies de l'estomac, et l'autre des maux vénériens Paris 1698 Hunterian At.3.3
Browne, John The surgeons assistant … Treating particularly of the plague, French pox… London 1703 Hunterian At.2.12
Fracastoro, Girolamo Hieronymi Fracastorii Syphilis. Sive morbus Gallicus London 1720 Hunterian Em.1.9
Dunn, Edward A ... new method of performing chirurgical operations ... To which are added, short ... directions how to manage the venereal disease London 1724 Hunterian Z.7.4
Evans? A specifick by which any person may be preserved from being ever infected with the venereal disease London 1727 Hunterian Em.3.1
Brown, R. A letter ... giving an account of the Montpellier practice in curing the venereal disease London 1730 Hunterian Em.1.9
Handley, James Colloquia chirurgica: or, the art of surgery epitomiz'd … to which is added, An appendix, containing a... method to cure the venereal disease London 1733 Hunterian Z.7.3
Handley, James Colloquia chirurgica: or, the art of surgery epitomiz'd … to which is added, An appendix, containing a... method to cure the venereal disease London 1733 NK.4.21
Pitcairn, Archibald Archibaldi Pitcarnii, medici celeberrimi Scoto-Britanni Opera omnia medica … XII. De ingressu morbi, qui venerea lues vulgo appellatur Leiden 1737 Hunterian Ac.3.3
Pitcairn, Archibald Archibaldi Pitcarnii, medici celeberrimi Scoto-Britanni Opera omnia medica … XII. De ingressu morbi, qui venerea lues vulgo appellatur Leiden 1737 Store HA08762
Douglas, John A dissertation on the venereal disease London 1737 Hunterian Ab.6.2
Janson, Nicolas de Tableau des maladies vénériennes, consideré par raport aux differentes … Paris 1745 Hunterian Ab.7.16
Colbourne, Robert The plain English dispensatory: containing the natural history and medicinal virtues of the … of the venereal disease London 1753 Hunterian Add. 187
Michaelson, Thomas Dissertatio... de gonorrhoea virulenta Edinburgh 1758 Hunterian Ek.3.8
  A modest and critical enquiry into the various modes of preventing the venereal disease London 1775 Robertson Bf66-e.18
Freeman, S. A new essay on the venereal disease London 1775 Bi8-f.12
Desgranges, Jean Baptiste Réflexions sur la section de la symphyse des os pubis, : suivies d'observations sur l'emploi de l'alkali volatil dans le traitement des maladies vénériennes Lyon 1781 Hunterian Add. 244
Clare, Peter Miscellaneous remarks on Mr. Clare's New method of applying mercury London 1782 Hunterian Em.3.1
Spilsbury, F. B. Advice to those who are afflicted with the veneral disease London 1789 Y7-g.1
Rollo, John An account of two cases of the diabetes mellitus … With the results of the trials of various acids and other substances In the Treatment of the Lues Venerea London 1797 Store HA08755-08756
Currie, James Medical reports, on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and other diseases, : whether applied to the surface of the body, or used internally. Liverpool 1798 NG.6.2-3
Hamilton, James Tentamen medicum inaugurale, de lue venerea Glasgow 1801 d.2.20 (item 12)
Hamilton, James Tentamen medicum inaugurale, de lue venerea Glasgow 1801 82.b.19 (item 4)
Abernethy, John The surgical works of John Abernethy, F.R.S. Volume the first … on diseases resembling syphilis London 1811 NK.4.4
Greaves, John A practical treatise on the cure of the venereal disease London 1815 G17-i.3


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Fracastoro, Girolamo Hieronymi Fracastorii Syphilis, sive morbus Gallicus Verona 1530 Hunterian Ab.6.8
Fracastoro, Girolamo Syphilis, sive morbus Gallicus Paris 1531 BC11-c.12


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Butter, William A Treatise On The Venereal Rose London 1799 NG.5.1
Butter, William A treatise on the venereal rose: commonly called gonorrhoea virulenta London 1805 NF.4.8

Syphilis of the joints

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Lubbert, Johannes Disputatio medica inauguralis, de podagra ac lue venerea Leiden 1655 82.b.4
Lubbert, Johannes Disputatio medica inauguralis, de podagra ac lue venerea Leiden 1655 Bo7-m.8


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Clowes, William A profitable ... booke of obseruations … for the cure of lues venerea London 1596 Hunterian Z.6.5
Profily, John An easy and exact method of curing the venereal disease London 1748 Bk1-g.18
Astruc, Jean Traité des tumeurs et des ulcères... Avec deux lettres, I. Sur la composition de quelques rémèdes... II. Sur la nature et le succès des nouveaux rémèdes, qu'on propose pour la guérison des maladies vénériennes Paris 1759 Hunterian Ci.3.10-11

Treatise, handbooks, educational books and compendiums pt. 1

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Grunpeck, Joseph Tractatus de pestilentiali scorra siue mala de Franzos Augsburg 1496 Hunterian Bx.3.38
Leoniceno, Niccolò De morbo Gallico Venice 1497 Hunterian Ac.4.5
Scanarolus, Antonius Disputatio de morbo Gallico Bologna 1498 Hunterian Bx.3.37
Aquilano, Sebastiani Marci Gatinarie De curis egritudinum … ebastiani Aquilani Tractatus de morbo Gallico Lyon 1506 Hunterian Ck.3.31
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massa liber De morbo Gallico Venice 1507 Hunterian Ab.6.31
Hock, Wendelinus Mentagra, siue tractatus de causis, preseruatiuis, regimine et cura morbi Gallici… Strasbourg 1514 Hunterian Ab.6.24
Leoniceno, Niccolò Aureum opus… Nicolai Leoniceni ...De morbo Gallico... Pavia 1516 Hunterian Y.3.12
Leoniceno, Niccolò Aureum opus… Nicolai Leoniceni ...De morbo Gallico… Pavia 1516 Hunterian Z.2.12
Hutten, Ulrich von De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico Mainz 1519 Ferguson Ag-b.19
Hutten, Ulrich von Guaiacum: l'expérience et approbation Vlrich de Huten Lyon 1520 Hunterian Aw.3.5
Hutten, Ulrich von Vlrichi de Hvtten De gvaiaci medicina et morbo Gallico Mainz 1524 Hunterian Ab.6.9
Béthencourt, Jacques de Nova penitentialis qvadragesima, necnon purgatorium in morbum Gallicum, Paris 1527 Hunterian Ab.7.23
Hutten, Ulrich von Vlrichi de Hvtten De gvaiaci medicina et morbo Gallico Mainz 1531 Hunterian Ab.8.37
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massæ liber De morbo Gallico Venice 1532 Hunterian Cf.4.18
Friese, Lorenz Epitome opvscvli de cvrandis pvscvlis ulceribus, et doloribus morbi Gallici Basel 1532 Hunterian At.2.20
Hutten, Ulrich von De morbo Gallico, [Ulrich von Hutten]. [Translated into Inglysshe] London 1533 Hunterian Ab.8.36
Massa, Niccolò Nicolai Massa Liber de morbo Neapolitano Lyon 1534 Hunterian Au.4.1
Pol, Nicolaus De cura morbi Gallici per lignum guaycanum libellus Venice 1535 Ferguson Af-b.51 (item 1)
Gatinaria, Marco M. Gatenariae omnes, qvos scripsit, libri... De morbo Gallico... Basel 1537 Hunterian W.3.11
Hutten, Ulrich von Of the vvood called guaiacum… London 1539 Ferguson Af-f.29
Fuchs, Remacle Morbi Hispanici qvem alii Gallicvm Paris 1541 Hunterian Cl.3.28
Vettori, Benedetto Benedicti Victorii Faventini De morbo Gallico liber Florence 1551 Hunterian Add. 218
Vettori, Benedetto Benedicti Victorii Faventini De morbo Gallico liber Florence 1551 Hunterian Ab.7.25
Hassard, Pierre Morbi Gallici compendiosa curatio Leuven 1554 Hunterian As.3.7
Macchellus, Nicolaus Nicolai Macchelli Tractatvs de morbo Gallico Venice 1555 Hunterian Ab.8.38
Falloppio, Gabriele Gabriellis Falloppii De morbo Gallico liber absolutissimus Passau 1564 Hunterian Ab.6.17
Ferrier, Auger de Augerii Ferrerii De pudendagra lue Hispanica Antwerp 1564 Hunterian Cf.4.16
Massa, Niccolò Il libro del mal francese Venice 1565 Hunterian Cf.4.17
Falloppio, Gabriele Gabriellis Falloppii De morbo Gallico liber absolutissimus Venice 1565 Hunterian Ab.8.39
Paracelsus De morbo gallico. Warhaffte Cur der Frantzosen Strasbourg 1578 Ferguson An-x.29
Clowes, William Short and profitable treatise touching the cure of the disease called morbus Gallicus by unctions London 1585 Hunterian Aw.3.28
Minadoi, Aurelio Avrelii Minadoi Tractatvs de virulentia venerea Venice 1596 Hunterian Ab.6.10
Luisini, Luigi Aphrodisiacvs, sive de lve venerea Venice 1599 Hunterian Y.3.3-4
Macollo, Joannes Iatria chymica, : exemplo therapeiæ Luis Venereæ illustrata London 1622 Ferguson Ao-c.103
Macollo, Joannes. Iatria chymica, exemplo therapeiæ lvis venereæ illustrata London 1622 Hunterian Ab.8.34
Macollo, Joannes Iatria chymica, : exemplo therapeiæ Luis Venereæ illustrata London 1622 Ferguson Ao-b.28
Clowes, William Profitable and necessarie booke of observations … for the cure of Lues venerea London 1637 Bo7-m.4
Héry, Thierry de La méthode cvratoire de la maladie vénérienne Paris 1660 Hunterian Ab.7.28
Harvey, Gideon Venus unmasked: or a more exact discovery of the venereal evil, or French disease London 1665 Ferguson An-d.60
Blégny, Nicolas de L'art de guérir les maladies vénériennes Paris 1677 Hunterian Ab.7.13
Sydenham, Thomas Epistolae responsoriae duae a Thoma Sydenham … secunda De luis venerae London 1680 Hunterian At.2.11
Blégny, Nicolas de L'art de guérir les maladies vénériennes Paris 1683 Hunterian Ab.7.14-15
Abercromby, David Tuta, ac efficax luis venereae London 1684 Hunterian Add. 24
Blégny, Nicolas de Zodiacvs medico-Gallicvs … Observationes circa luem veneream Geneva 1685 Hunterian Au.3.5
Blankaart, Stephanus Traité de la vérole, gonorrhée, chancres, bubes venéréens Amsterdam 1688 Hunterian Ci.4.7
Launay, Charles-Denys de Nouveau système concernant la génération, les maladies vénériennes, et le mercure Paris 1698 Hunterian At.3.34

Treatise, handbooks, educational books and compendiums pt. 2

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Vercellone, Jacopo ... De pudendorum morbis et lue venerea Asti 1716 86.b.13
Boerhaave, Herman De lue venerea London 1728 Hunterian El.3.8
Hutten, Ulrich von De morbo Gallico. A treatise of the French disease London 1730 Hunterian Ek.1.4
Turner, Daniel Siphylis. A practical dissertation on the venereal disease London 1732 Hunterian Ab.6.12
Astruc, Jean De morbis venereis libri sex Paris 1736 BG57-b.9
Turner, Daniel Siphylis. A practical dissertation on the venereal disease London 1737 Hunterian Ab.6.16
Astruc, Jean treatise of the venereal disease..., [Jean Astruc]. Together with an abridgment of the several discourses, which have been written upon this subject from the first appearance of the venereal disease in Europe London 1737 Hunterian Ab.6.13-14
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de Nouveau traité des maladies vénériennes Paris 1739 Hunterian Ab.7.17
Astruc, Jean De morbis venereis libri novem Paris 1740 Hunterian Ab.5.7-8
Jourdan de Pellerin, E A treatise on venereal maladies ... Besides other two treatises London 1750 NF.4.1
Boerhaave, Herman Tractatio medico-practica de lue venerea Leiden 1751 Hunterian Ab.7.12
Boerhaave, Herman Tractatio medico-practica de lue venerea Leiden 1751 Sp Coll 2023
Goulard, Mr. (Thomas) Remarques et observations pratiques sur les maladies vénériennes Pezenas 1760 NE.10.15
Boerhaave, Herman Boerhaave's Academical lectures on the lues venerea London 1763 Hunterian Ab.6.15
Jauberthou, Louis Traité des maladies vénériennes Paris 1766 Hunterian Ab.7.20
Goulard, Mr (Thomas) Œuvres de chirurgie de Mr. Goulard [t. 2. Contenant ses Remarques & observations pratiques … très utiles pour le traitement des maladies vénériennes] Pézenas 1766 G5-i.3-4
Fordyce, William A review of the venereal disease, and its remedies London 1767 Bi8-f.12
Astruc, Jean A treatise on the venereal disease London 1770 NF.5.18
Astruc, Jean A treatise on the venereal disease London 1770 Hunterian Ab.6.21
Falck, N. D. A treatise on the venereal disease London 1772 Hunterian Ab.6.22
Falck, N. D. A treatise on the venereal disease London 1772 84.d.10
Smyth, J. H. A new treatise on the venereal disease London 1777 Hunterian Ek.1.4
Andree, John Observations on the theory and cure of the venereal disease London 1779 NF.4.4
Andree, John An essay on the theory and cure of the venereal gonorrhoea London 1781 Bi8-f.12
Swediaur, Franz Xaver Practical observations on the more obstinate and inveterate venereal complaints London 1784 Sp Coll 1732
Sanchez, Antonio Nuñez Ribeiro Observations sur les maladies vénériennes Paris 1785 NH.10.19
Hunter, John A treatise on the venereal disease London 1786 Sp Coll q423
Foot, Jesse Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late Treatise on the venereal disease. Part 2 London 1786 NK.4.8
Foot, Jesse Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late Treatise on the venereal disease. Part 3 London 1786 NK.4.8
Howard, John Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease London 1787 NH.3.7-9
Foot, Jesse Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late Treatise on the venereal disease. Part 1. London 1787 NK.4.8
Hunter, John A treatise on the venereal disease London 1788 83.b.15
Swediaur, Franz Xaver Practical observations on venereal complaints Edinburgh 1788 NH.11.2
Swift, Charles Salivation exploded: or, A practical essay on the venereal disease London 1789 Sp Coll 1733
Houlston, William Sketches of facts and opinions respecting the venereal disease London 1794 Sp Coll 1734
Geoghegan, Edward Practical observations on the nature and treatment of some exasperated symptoms attending the venereal disease London 1801 NK.9.5
Swediaur, Franz Xaver Traité complet sur les symptomes, les effets, la nature et le traitement des maladies syphilitiques Paris 1801 Bo9-m.22-23
Sawrey, S. An enquiry into some of the effects of the venereal poison on the human body; with an occasional application of physiology, observations on some of the opinions of Mr. John Hunter and Benjamin Bell London 1802 NF.4.6
Howard, John Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease London 1806 G14-y.3-4
Hunter, John A treatise on the venereal disease London 1810 84.b.12
Hunter, John A treatise on the venereal disease London 1810 NF.5.19
Kiernan, F. A practical treatise and observations on the ... venereal disease London 1811 NH.6.6
Schmidt, Johann Adam Johann Adam Schmidt's ... Vorlesungen über die syphilitische Krankheit Vienna 1812 Sp Coll 1737
Carmichael, Richard An essay on the venereal diseases which have been confounded with syphilis Dublin 1814 b.2.29
Carmichael, Richard Observations on the symptoms and specific distinctions of venereal diseases London 1818 DK.13.24
Foot, Jessé A complete treatise on the nature, symptoms, and cure, of lues venerea London 1820 DO.1.4


AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Pearson, John Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea London 1800 G17-g.5
Pearson, John Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea London 1807 Store HA04576
Pearson, John Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea London 1807 NF.5.20

Treatment without mercury

AuthorTitlePlace of publicationDate of publicationShelfmark (click to view record)
Thomson, John Observations on the treatment of syphilis without mercury Edinburgh 1817 Cc4-y.7
Thomson, John Observations on the treatment of syphilis without mercury Edinburgh 1817 Y4-k.8