Visits to the Cononish Gold Mine, Tyndrum

Published: 6 March 2014

A rare chance to visit Scotland’s prospective gold mine and see the gold-bearing rocks underground and on the surface.

Friday 9 May and Friday 6 June 2014
9.00am - 4.00pm
£15.00 per head (limited to 15 people)

These special visits offer a rare chance to visit Scotland’s prospective gold mine and the opportunity to see the gold-bearing rocks underground and on the surface.

Led by Chris Sangster, CEO Scotgold Resources Ltd and Dr John Faithfull, Curator of Mineralogy at The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, each trip will look at the geology of the gold deposit, and at the practical, technical and environmental issues involved in developing a gold mine.

Each visit is limited to 15 people. Part of the excursion will be on the surface, and may be exposed to rain or other bad weather, so you should be suitably dressed and equipped. Safety boots, lamps and hard hats for the underground part of the visit will be provided by Scotgold.

Participants must be over 18 years old.

The visit is not suitable for anybody with mobility difficulties, as it will involve around 2km of walking on a rough track.

Minibus departs from the University of Glasgow at 9.00am on both days. Bring a pack lunch. The bus should be back at the University by 4.00pm at the latest.

For further details and booking, contact, or phone 0141 330 4213.

First published: 6 March 2014

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