Research Resources

The University of Glasgow's Archive Services provides access to one of Europe's largest holdings of business records, the Scottish Business Archive, which numbers over 400 separate collections constituting the world's most comprehensive archive on regional industry. In addition, CBHS has its own research library which comprises over 7,000 books as well as a unique collection of business pamphlets formerly in the possession of the Business Archives Council. The main University Library is a European Documentation Centre and a depository for Council of Europe publications, which combined with its extensive book and periodicals stock, together with extensive electronic resources, makes it one of the finest in the UK.

Lilybank House

CBHS is located within Lilybank House, a handsome Victorian building which underwent an extensive refurbishment in 2005, conveniently close to both the University Library and the University Archive Service. The building is also the home of the Economic and Social History subject area, and postgraduate research students share their own dedicated offices, which are equipped with networked PCs, photocopiers and printers, and other facilities. Students at CBHS have the opportunity to share in both the academic and social life of Economic and Social History, which includes a regular Seminar programme with invited speakers from other academic institutions.

Application for Funding

The Centre is happy to advise on funding availability and to assist with the preparation of applications. There are a number of opportunities for UK and International students to pursue, and the Centre urges those interested to contact us as soon as possible for guidance on how best to proceed. For instance, UK students can apply to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for 1 + 3 year funding for appropriate projects, and the University of Glasgow offers a number of Postgraduate Scholarships which are equivalent to an ESRC scholarship (grant plus cost of home fees). These are available to both home and overseas students. International students can apply through the University for an ORS award to cover the difference between domestic and international fees. In some cases the Centre itself is able to provide support for travel and research for current students. Also the Economic History Society offers travel grants for postgraduate students.

Further advice on preparation and submission of material for publication is also available.

Economic & Social History Events & Seminars 2020-21

The Economic and Social History Seminar Programme 2021 gratefully acknowledges the support of the MacFie Bequest, named after Professor Alec MacFie, Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy at the University from 1945 to 1958. 

All seminars will take place via Zoom. To participate please contact Dr Ewan Gibbs