From 31st March 2011 the Impact Database will no longer be held by the Centre for Cultural Policy Research. The Scottish Government will host a 'historic version' of the website (i.e. the website containing data up until 31st March), but is not yet in a position to provide us with a website address. Once the transfer has taken place, you will be informed of the link at which you will be able to access the Impact Database in its current form.

In future, the contents of the Impact Database will be held at the CASE website hosted by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.  DCMS will also take over the updating of research information on the impact of culture and the arts through the CASE database. The transfer of all of the contents of Impact to DCMS have not yet taken place, but will do so, we understand, within the next couple of months.

If you would like to unsubscribe from any future updates, you can do so by re-entering your e-mail address in the 'register for updates' form on the main website. We would like to thank you for visiting the Impact Database as held by the CCPR over the past 6,5 years, and we encourage you to continue using the database in its coming form.

First published: 27 April 2011