Other publications, documents and links

Photo of a mug of coffee and pile of journals

If you would like a copy of a document or resource for which there is no link, please email deependgp@gmail.com





  • Catriona Morton July 2020
    This account, from a frontline GP, reflects on the experience of a professional lifetime in practices serving socio-economically deprived populations. It refers to the evidence base, is a call to action, and offers pragmatic solutions and recommendations for resource distribution. The paper is rooted in the current Scottish General Practice architecture, unapologetically using that, and Edinburgh-based approaches, as case studies. It is a document of its place and time: it will achieve its purpose if colleagues feel free to use it as a resource to change things for the better, in the service of our patients.
  • Ashwell, G., Blane, D. , Lunan, C. and Matheson, J. (2020) General practice post-COVID-19: time to put equity at the heart of health systems? British Journal of General Practice, 70(697), p. 400. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp20X712001) (PMID:32732207)
  • Martina Zeitler, Andrea E Williamson, John Budd, Ruth Spencer, Anton Queen, and Richard Lowrie Comparing the Impact of Primary Care Practice Design in Two Inner City UK Homelessness Services Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2020 11, 1-13
  • Andrea E Williamson, Ross McQueenie, David A Ellis, Alex McConnachie and Philip Wilson General practice recording of adverse childhood experiences: a retrospective cohort study of GP records BJGP Open 18 February 2020
    This research shows that recording of ACEs is very sparse in the GP record. There is nevertheless an association between any recorded ACE and the likelihood of missing GP appointments.








  • Summary of Deep End activity in 2013 (Graham Watt) 
  • Dr Peter Cawston, Dr Susan Langridge and Professor Graham Watt give evidence on Health Inequalities to the Public Audit Committee at the Scottish Parliament on 30th January 2013 [evidence begins 57 minutes into the recording] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiHP_GZ1Toc
  • A routemap to the 2020 vision for health and social care (NHS Scotland 2013) 
  • Bridging the gaps in cardiovascular care. Professor Graham Watt, Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Hypertension Society, University of Greenwich, 10 September 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hn1QS0oLwM
  • Alcohol problems in very deprived areas 
    This short paper collates three Deep End statements on alcohol, which were tabled at a meeting on Alcohol Dependency at the Scottish parliament on 15 May 2013, chaired by Jackie Baillie MSP on behalf of the Wellbeing Alliance. ‌‌‌
  • Written evidence on Children and Young People and Public Bodies (Scot) Bills
    This is the written response backing Dr Anne Mullin's oral evidence to a Holyrood Committee investigating the implications of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill and the Public Bodies (Joint Working)(Scotland) Bill at the Scottish Parliament on 04 September 2013.