Professor Andrea Nolan has been appointed Senior Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow.Professor Andrea Nolan

The University Court has approved the appointment, which will see her continue with her existing internationalisation remit.

Professor Nolan will also work closely with the Principal, Professor Anton Muscatelli, as he implements his vision for the University of Glasgow.

Professor Muscatelli intends that Senior Vice-Principal role will bring greater focus to Glasgow’s international ambitions.

He said: “I am extremely pleased that Court has approved the appointment of Professor Andrea Nolan. 

“Internationalisation is one of the key priorities of the University of Glasgow and Professor Nolan brings a broad range of skills and experience that will assist us in our efforts in this field.”

Prof Nolan has been Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching and Internationalisation for five years and is Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology.

Prior to that, she was Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for five years, the first woman dean of a UK vet school.  She  studied veterinary medicine at Trinity College, Dublin before embarking on post-graduate study at the universities of Bristol, Cambridge and the Technical University, Munich.

She joined the University of Glasgow in 1989 as a lecturer.
Professor Nolan said: “I am delighted about my new role in the University. This allows me to build on my contribution as Vice Principal Learning Teaching and Internationalisation and support Professor Muscatelli as he leads Glasgow to further its international reputation and success.” 

First published: 8 October 2009

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