Traditional orchestra of Shandong University

Date: Friday 19 October 2018
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: Kelvin Gallery, Main Building, University of Glasgow

Join us for a performance of traditional Chinese music by a visiting orchestra from Shandong University, China.

The traditional orchestra of Shandong University consists of staff and students in the School of Fine Arts. The orchestra is committed to preservation and innovation in the musical culture of China. Over the decade since its formation, the orchestra has performed to great acclaim both at home and abroad, touring over a dozen countries and establishing partnerships with institutions around the world.

This performance will feature ensemble pieces as well as solos highlighting individual instruments, including the erhu, sheng, Chinese flute, and yangqin (a form of struck zither). The modern arrangements of these pieces draw on tradition while venturing into innovation and renewal.

All welcome. Free admission but seating is limited.

Doors to open from 6pm.

First published: 10 October 2018