Dr Thomas Hammons Scholarship

Two scholarships for 2021-22 (and one from 2022 onwards) are available for students from Partner Universities in Africa undertaking engineering or geoscience studies.

For 2021/22 only, due to travel restrictions, there will be an online 'buddy' programme with funding available for online training or attendance at an online conference/workshop.

From 2022/23 the scholarship will be awarded to students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) from Africa to undertake a month-long placement at the University of Glasgow to further their research into sustainable energy development, with a preference for students undertaking engineering or geoscience studies.


  • 2021-22: £500 to fund a place on a relevant online training course (or alternatively attendance to a relevant online conference/workshop)
  • 2022 onwards: £3,000 to cover the costs of travel (including e.g. flights, accommodation, visa, living costs)

How to apply