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借鉴各种不同的学科方法 - 政治学、国际关系、区域研究以及经济和社会史 -它将审视当代世界经济中的主要挑战。它还特别关注在全球化和互相依存的世界环境下,国家与非国家行为者之间的关系。




  • 反映 21 世纪全球政治全貌的综合研究课程。
  • 回顾全球政治的理论和概念方法的机会
  • 了解社会科学和人文科学衍生出的一系列相关学科和跨学科的世界政治研究方法。



  • 展示对政治、国际关系以及发展研究的理论方法和辩论的全面了解
  • 展示对国际政治核心问题深入而富有见地的了解,如世界贸易体系的合法性、概念安全的新方法以及对传统的国家主权认知提出的挑战
  • 从概念上找到能够与在一系列范围广泛的社会科学和人文科学辩论会中学习国际关系、政治和发展相媲美的方法





  • 当代国际关系 
  • 国际关系史 
  • 中国的外交政策
  • 美国外交政策 
  • 亚太地区国际关系 


  • 国际关系理论 
  • 国际政治经济学 
  • 欧洲政治比较研究 
  • 中欧地缘政治 
  • 研究方法 















  1. 雅思6.5(单项最低分:听6.0、说6.0、读6.0、写6.0)
  2. iBT 托福不低于92(单项最低分:听力20,口语20,阅读19,写作24)


Alister Welderburn 博士 - 专业负责人

I received my PhD in International Relations from King's College London in 2017. Between 2017 and 2019 I was the John Vincent Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Relations at the Australian National University in Canberra, after which I joined the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer in International Relations. I am interested in critical and post-structuralist IR theories, which I draw on in my research in order to study the cultural dimensions of global politics. 

My published work focuses on a diverse range of sites and issues related to these interests, and my articles have appeared in journals including International Studies QuarterlyEuropean Journal of International Relations, Review of International Studies, Millennium: Journal of International Studies and the International Feminist Journal of Politics. My first book was published with Manchester University Press in 2021.

Sophia Dingli 博士 - 国际关系学

Dr Sophia Dingli joined the School of Social and Political Science in September 2016 as Lecturer in International Relations. Sophia received her PhD in Politics from the University of Hull in 2013. Prior to coming to Glasgow, Sophia worked as a Research and Teaching Fellow at the University of Hull, teaching across the programmes in Politics and International Relations. She has also worked as a Teaching Associate at the University of Nottingham and as a Project Manager at the University of Hull.

Sophia’s research interests lie in the intersection of Political Theory and International Relations. The main bulk of her research draws on post-colonial, feminist, post-modern, neo-kantian and realist international and political theory to explore and give precision the concept of silence, which is often used in International Relations but remains ill-defined and under-theorised. In her work she gives the concept definition and explores the place of silence in the domestic and international order. Related to this, she also explores new ways in which International Relations theory can engage with the phenomenon of silence through cross-disciplinary dialogue.

She has conducted extensive archival research on British colonial history in Yemen. She has also conducted research in Yemeni political history since the end of colonialism and writes on topics related to current events in Yemen, including the current war and peace process and US foreign policy in the country.

Sophia has also published work on Gender and Security and continues to engage with this topic. Finally, she is currently conducting research on peace theory, suggesting a realist intervention into the debates on the liberal peace and drawing upon the recent experience of Yemen to illustrate her arguments.

Academic publications:

Dingli, S. and Purewal, N. (2018) Gendering (in)security: interrogating security logics within states of exception. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 3, pp. 153-163.(doi:10.1080/23802014.2018.1510295)

Dingli, S. (2015) We need to talk about silence: Re-examining silence in International Relations theory.European Journal of International Relations, 21(4), pp. 721-742. (doi:10.1177/1354066114568033)

Dingli, S. and Kennedy, C. (2014) The Aden Pivot? British counter-insurgency after Aden. Civil Wars, 16(1), pp. 86-104.(doi:10.1080/13698249.2014.904987)

Dingli, S. Khalfey, S. and Leston-Bandeira, C.(2013) The effectiveness of incentive-driven role-play.European Political Science, 12(3), pp. 384-398.(doi:10.1057/eps.2013.19)

Dingli, S. (2013) Is the failed state thesis analytically useful? The case of Yemen. Politics, 33(2), pp. 91-100. (doi:10.1111/j.1467-9256.2012.01453.x)

Dingli, S. (2012) The politics of (re)unification: lessons from Yemen for Cyprus. Cyprus Review, 24(2), pp. 29-46.

Mark Tranmer 教授 – 研究方法论

Mark Tranmer教授于2016年7月加入格拉斯哥大学社会与政治科学学院,担任定量社会科学教授。在此之前,从1999年到2016年,他在英国曼彻斯特大学社会科学学院的社会统计学。1999年,他被英国南安普顿大学授予社会统计学博士学位。他之前曾在英国谢菲尔德学习过统计学。
他发表了一系列实质性和方法论的期刊,包括那些专注于社会学、社会网络、健康、人文地理学和统计学的期刊。他在Universities of Stirling(英国)、 Wollongong(澳大利亚)和USI(瑞士)大学担任荣誉高级和教授职务。他还教授了一系列的统计方法,在英国和国际上的不同层次的学术和非学术的听众,并指导博士生完成了一系列社会和政治科学的课程。

Luca Anceschi 博士 – 中亚政治学

JGS profile photoDr. Luca Anceschi joined CEES in September 2013 as Lecturer in Central Asian Studies.

Before coming to Glasgow, he lectured in International Relations at La Trobe University in Melbourne, where, in 2012-2013, he held a Discovery Early Career Fellowship awarded by the Australian Research Council.

His research activity has been mostly concerned with the Politics and International Relations of post-Soviet Central Asia, with particular reference to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan - the region's main energy exporters.

In his doctoral studies, he analysed in details the dynamics of decision-making in one of the world’s most obscure political systems, namely post-Soviet Turkmenistan.  His first book, Turkmenistan’s Foreign Policy – Positive Neutrality and the Consolidation of the Turkmen regime (Routledge 2008), represented the first book-length account of Turkmen foreign policy published in Western languages.

His current research agenda is focused on two main areas:

  • For the last few years, he has been working on a comprehensive study of Kazakhstani foreign policy-making. This project is designed to assess the influence that neo-Eurasianism is exerting over Kazakhstan’s international activity. He is in progress to complete a monograph entitled Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy – Regime neo-Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev era (forthcoming with Routledge).
  • He is also involved in a comparative research project that looks at how political change is understood by, and influences the decisions taken by, the leaderships of post-Niyazov Turkmenistan and post-Karimov Uzbekistan.    

He contributes regularly to the international debate on Central Asian Affairs. He is a regular writer for Open Democracy Russia, and he is frequently interviewed in the Central Asia-focused podcasts organised by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Recently, he has been quoted in The Economist, the Financial Times, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, and The New Republic.

Together with his CEES colleagues Prof Terry Cox and Prof David Smith, he edits the journal Europe-Asia Studies.

He is the director of the consortium delivering the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Central & East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, which will receive, between 2018 and 2022, a €3.1 million grant awarded by the European Commission.



Christopher W Miller 博士,研究员 - 经济全球化

Chris casual photo

Dr Christopher Miller holds the post of Lecturer in Global Economy in the Economic and Social History subject area, University of Glasgow. Chris joined Glasgow, and the Centre for Business History in Scotland, in July 2016.

He holds degrees from the University of Oxford (Balliol College) and the University of Glasgow, completing his PhD here in January 2015 on the political economy of armaments manufacturing, jointly between the Centre for Business History and the Scottish Centre for War Studies.

Prior to returning to Glasgow, Chris held a pre-doctoral fellowship in International Security Studies at Yale University, and most recently was lecturer in modern history at the University of Tuebingen, Germany.

Academic articles:

Miller, C. W. (2017) Extraordinary Gentlemen: the Economic League, business networks, and organised labour in war planning and rearmament. Scottish Labour History, 52, pp. 120-151.

Miller, C. (2016) British naval armaments, cartels, and defence planning between the world wars. Entreprises et histoire, 85(1), pp. 70-87.

Miller, C. W. (2012) Forward to obscurity? Another dimension to the decline of the radical left on 1930s Clydeside. Scottish Labour History, 47, pp. 91-109.


Miller, C. (2018) Planning and Profits: The Military-Industrial Complex and British Naval Arms Manufacture, 1918-41. Series: Research in maritime history (53). Liverpool University Press: Liverpool. ISBN 9781786940667



Jeff Fear 教授 - 全球化

Jeff FearJeff Fear 是社会与政治史学院国际商业史教授。虽然他的研究范围涵盖了各种不同的学科,不过其课题往往都围绕德国商业的性质和发展以及资本主义变迁史来展开。


他目前正在开展中的第二个项目是一个关于二战期间德国-美国移民的创业家精神的网站,现已编辑成册。而他的其他趣还包括 20 世纪德国商业和经济史;庭/中小型企业的竞争力和国际化;跨国经营和国际卡特尔的发展历程;比较公司治理和组织;以及移民的创业家精神。

Fear 教授在美国密歇根大学获得了学士学位,并在美国斯坦福大学获得了博士学位。他曾在宾夕法尼亚大学历史系和亨斯曼国际商业研究项目中任教,后在哈佛商学院负责教授创造现代资本主义与企业、政府和国际经济学(2001-2007 年)。到格拉斯哥任职之前,他在加州雷德兰兹大学教授国际商务和战略,2012 年夏天被德国马尔堡大学聘为客座教授。

2007 年,据 CNBC 亚洲台报道,Fear 教授参加了在中国召开的圆桌讨论会,与中国商学院教授就保时捷制造卡宴(一款运动型多功能车,而并非跑车)的决定展开讨论;而该论题正是取自此前由其编写的哈佛商学院案例。


黄海涛 博士 – 美国外交政策



刘兴华 副教授 – 亚太地区国际关系




  • 刘兴华,《国际规范、团体认同与国内制度改革——以中国加入FATF为例》,《当代亚太》,2012年第4期。
  • 刘兴华,《从中国软力量到东亚软力量》,《当代亚太》,2010年第2期。
  • 刘兴华,《地区认同与东亚地区主义》,《现代国际关系》,2004年第5期。

韩召颖 教授 – 中国外交政策与国际关系史


2004年4月至2012年3月任学院院长助理。多次赴美访问讲学,2002年9月-2003年8月在美国约翰·霍普金斯大学高级国际问题研究院(SAIS)担任富布赖特高级访问学者;2007年1月-2007年5 月在美国蒙大拿大学曼斯菲尔德中心担任客座教授;2009年6月-2011年1月在美国南佛罗里达大学孔子学院担任中方院长、客座教授


  • 《输出美国:美国新闻署与美国公众外交》(专著),天津人民出版社,2000年4月。
  • 《美国政治与对外政策》(合著),天津人民出版社,2007年10月。

刘丰 副教授 – 当代国际关系与国际安全

刘丰,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院国际关系系副教授。他的研究方向主要包括国际关系理论(理论与学科史、现实主义/均势理论),国际安全(联盟政治、武力使用)与东亚国际关系(周边国家对华战略、东亚安全秩序)。同时,他也担任学术期刊The Chinese Journal of International Politics编审一职


  • 《制衡的逻辑:结构压力、霸权正当性与大国行为》,世界知识出版社2010年11月版。
  • 《中国崛起与世界秩序》,陈琪、刘丰主编,社会文献出版社2011年7月版。