
Fieldwork by Geographical & Earth Sciences




  • 深入了解环境及其改变方式
  • 了解影响环境的经济和政策问题
  • 能够运用切实可行的技术解决方案,帮助管理环境、环境风险和环境变化。

您将深入了解环境 - 以及人类和自然过程如何影响环境。





  • 严格评估工艺流程和人类决策对环境的影响
  • 评估环境科学理论
  • 讨论气候变化将如何影响不同环境的理论
  • 对照比较在不同地区以不同尺度实施的环境科学政策
  • 制定行为改变战略以改进环境管理
  • 说明制定以不同规模管理环境的政策的必要性
  • 制定计划来应对和管理环境改变
  • 阐述 GIS 和遥感技术会如何促进环境数据管理,进而促进环境科学。



  • 应用数学
  • 环境管理
  • 环境经济
  • 产业生态学
  • 生态毒理与环境风险评价
  • 环境影响评价
  • 可持续发展理论


  • 地理信息系统
  • 环境遥感
  • 环境伦理与行为变化
  • 环境变化分析
  • 研究方法












  1. 雅思6.5(单项最低分数:听6.0、说6.0、读6.0、写6.0)
  2. 托福不低于90(听力20,口语20,阅读19,写作24)


Dr Xiaogang Shi - UoG Programme Convenor

head shotDr Shi is a Senior Lecturer in Hydrology and Climate Change at the University of Glasgow. He is the Programme Director for MSc Environmental Science of the University of Glasgow-Nankai University Joint Graduate School, and the Research Lead of Environmental Sustainability in the Sustainability IRT leadership team of College of Social Sciences. Dr Shi is a hydrologist with research interests in understanding the changes in the terrestrial water cycle under global change driven by natural and human-induced forces, including climate change, land use/cover change, and human water use. His research work mainly focuses on climate extremes and water hazards (e.g. floods and droughts), hydrological modelling and forecasting, big-data and machine learning, groundwater and surface-water interactions, hydro-meteorological risk assessment, and water resources management in different regions worldwide by using remote sensing data, reanalysis products, and in situ observations, as well as model outputs.

Key publications:

-      Li, Z., Zhou, P., Shi, X. and Li, Y. (2021) Forest effects on runoff under climate change in the Upper Dongjiang River Basin: insights from annual to intra-annual scales. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014032.  (https://doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abd066)

-     Zhang, D., Shi, X., Xu, H., Jing, Q., Pan, X., Liu, T., Wang, H. and Hou, H. (2020) A GIS-based spatial multi-index model for flood risk assessment in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 83, 106397. (https://doi:10.1016/j.eiar.2020.106397)

-      Li, Z., Shi, X., Tang, Q., Zhang, Y., Gao, H., Pan, X., Déry, S. J. and Zhou, P. (2020) Partitioning the contributions of glacier melt and precipitation to the 1971–2010 runoff increases in a headwater basin of the Tarim River. Journal of Hydrology, 583, 124579. (https://doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124579)  

Professor Fabrice Renaud – Understanding Environmental Changes

head shotFabrice Renaud is Professor of Environmental Risk and Community Resilience at the University of Glasgow's School of Interdisciplinary Studies in Dumfries, which he joined in February 2018. His main area of research is on the role ecosystems play in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. He was the University of Glasgow convener of the MSc in Environmental Science from 2018 to 2021.

Before joining the University of Glasgow, Fabrice worked for 13 years at the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) in Bonn, Germany (11 years) and Jakarta, Indonesia (2 years). For over a decade, he was head of the Environmental Vulnerability and Ecosystem Services section of UNU-EHS implementing research focussing on two major themes: the environmental dimension of vulnerability and risk, particularly in coastal and deltaic environments, and the links between human activities, water pollution, and the risks these pose to ecosystems and human health. His research projects were principally in Europe, Central, South and Southeast Asia, and in Western Africa. For a period of two years (2009-2011) he was Director ad interim of the UNU-EHS.

After completing his PhD and before joining the UN system he was a Research Officer at Cranfield University’s Centre for EcoChemistry in the UK where his research centred on the development, coding and parameterisation of various pesticide fate models, as well as carrying out laboratory and lysimeter experiments to study the interaction between pesticides and soils.

Fabrice holds a PhD degree (2000) in Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences from the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, USA) where he specialised in soil physics. Between his MSc and PhD degrees, Fabrice worked in Namibia on a rural development project and at the International Board for Soil Research and Management in Thailand on soil erosion problems in the north of the country.


Key publications:

  • Sudmeier-Rieux K., Arce-Mojica T., Boehmer H.J., Doswald N., Emerton L., Friess D.A., Galvin S., Hagenlocher M., James H., Laban P., Lacambra C., Lange W., McAdoo B.G., Moos C., Mysiak J., Narvaez L., Nehren U., Peduzzi P., Renaud F.G., Sandholz S., Schreyers L., Sebesvari Z., Tom T., Triyanti A., van Eijk P., van Staveren M., Vicarelli M. and Walz Y. (2021): Scientific evidence for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. Nature Sustainability 4:803-810. (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00732-4)
  • Shah M.A.R., Renaud F.G., Anderson C.C., Wild A., Domeneghetti A., Polderman A., Votsis A., Pulvirenti B., Basu B., Thomson C., Panga D., Pouta E., Toth E., Pilla F., Sahani J., Ommer J., El Zohbik J., Munro K., Stefanopoulou M., Loupis M., Pangas N., Kumar P., Debele S., Preuschmann S., Zixuann W. (2020): A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions. International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction 50:101728. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101728).
  • Hagenlocher M., Renaud F.G., Haas S., Sebesvari Z. (2018): Vulnerability and risk of deltaic social-ecological systems exposed to multiple hazards. Science of the Total Environment 631-632:71-80. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.013)


Brian Barrett 博士- 环境遥感

Brian BarrettBrian Barrett 现任教于格拉斯哥大学地理与地球科学学院。他的主要研究兴趣集中在微波遥感技术在地球环境下的应用。从广域的角度出发,结合环境的变迁,利用遥感技术研究和进一步了解地球系统过程的互动。他通过利用SAR系统,对地表土壤湿度时空空间行为的模型和特点进行了集中研究。 其中,评估不同土壤湿度对SAR系统的作用和影响是他最感兴趣的领域。近年来,他一直尝试通过使用不同的计算机辅助算法,来识别不同时间序列下多光谱和雷达参数集的特征。这一研究可以极大帮助提高土地使用的效率。目前,他正在忙于一项对植被生物质和绿地管理活动(除草,放牧)的评估。该评估使用了时间相对集中的一个时期的太空的高清晰雷达数据,取自于爱尔兰,哥伦比亚和新西兰三个国家。



Key publications 主要学术作品发布:

Dr Natalie Welden - Research Methods

head shotNatalie Welden studied Ecology at Derby University (2005-2008), where she specialised in aquatic habitats and spending a summer canoeing up and down the River Trent sampling benthic invertebrates to determine the impacts of power station effluent. She then studied for an MSc in Marine Environmental Management at the University of York (2009-2010), focusing on anthropogenic impacts on estuarine environments. Over this period, she also worked at the Environment Agency, in the routine monitoring of river health, continuing her work on freshwater invertebrates, this time as indicators of riverine pollution.

Natalie did a PhD with the University of Glasgow (based at the University Marine Biological Station Millport), analysing the impacts of microplastic in the Clyde Sea Area (2011-2015). Natalie has undertaken post-doc studies at the Stockholm Environment Institute in York and at the Open University in Milton Keynes, before joining the University of Portsmouth as a Teaching Fellow in September 2017, where she was heavily involved in teaching both Marine Biology and Biology. Natalie returned to the University of Glasgow in August 2018, joining the School of Interdisciplinary Studies as a lecturer on the BSc in Environmental Science and Sustainability degree.


Key Publications:

  • Welden, N. A. (2020) The environmental impacts of plastic pollution. In: Letcher, T. M. (ed.) Plastic Waste and Recycling: Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions. Academic Press: London, pp. 195-222. ISBN 9780128178805 (http://doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817880-5.00008-6)
  • Welden, N. A. and Lusher, A. (2020) Microplastics: from origin to impacts. In: Letcher, T. M. (ed.) Plastic Waste and Recycling: Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions. Academic Press: London, pp. 223-249. ISBN 9780128178805 (http://doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817880-5.00009-8)
  • Welden, N. (2019) Microplastics: emerging contaminants requiring multilevel management. In: Letcher, T. M. and Vallero, D. A. (eds.) Waste: a Handbook for Management [Second Edition]. Academic Press: Amsterdam, pp. 405-424. ISBN 9780128150603 (http://doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815060-3.00021-9)

朱琳 教授 – 生态毒理与风险环境评价

Lin Zhu朱琳,南开大学环境科学与工程学院教授。1982年获得山东海洋学院(现中国海洋大学)海洋生物专业学士学位;1989年获得比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)基础与应用海洋生态学硕士学位;1996年获得比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)生态毒理学博士学位。研究方向主要包括生态毒理学,海洋生物学,生态风险评价。




  • Xiaoshan Zhu, Lin Zhu. Comparative toxicity of several metal oxide nanoparticle aqueous suspensions to Zebrafish (Danio rerio) early developmental stage. Journal of  Environmental Science and Health Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 43 (3): 278-284 Jan 2008.
  • Duan Zhenghua, Zhu Lin, Yao Kun, et al. Single and joint toxic effects of pentachlorophenol and bisphenol A on the development of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryo. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,71, 774-780, Mar 2008
  • Zhongzhi Chen, Lin Zhu, Kevin J. Wilkinson. Validation of the Biotic Ligand Model in Metal Mixtures: Bioaccumulation of Lead and Copper. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 3580–3586

王军峰 副教授 – 环境经济

Junfeng Wang王军锋,博士,副教授,南开大学资源循环科学与管理系副主任。2006年获得南开大学环境科学博士学位。他的主要研究兴趣包括主要研究领域为环境经济与政策、产业生态管理与政策,资源循环利用科学与管理。同时,他还负责环境经济与管理教研室教学和科研活动。在本项目中负责研究总体内容框架和研究方向。近年来,撰写学术专著两部,在英文期刊、中文期刊、重要国际会议发表论文10多篇,其中两篇被《新华文摘》全文和论点摘录。参与完成国家自然科学基金1项、国家社科基金重大项目2项、国家社科基金2项、国家发改委试点课题等10多个项目,相关成果获得教育部人文社科二等奖、天津市社会科学一等奖、中国城市经济学会一等奖、南开大学一等奖3项。


  • 王军服,张静雯,刘鑫,碳排放权交易市场碳配额价格关联机制研究,中国人口资源与环境,12期,2013。
  • 王军锋,侯超波,我国流域生态补偿机制的实施框架与补偿模式研究—基于补偿资金来源的视角,中国人口.资源与环境,2期,23-29,2013。
  • 王军锋,阎勇,杨春玉,区域差异对我国排污税费政策的影响分析及对策研究,中国人口资源与环境,2期,2012。

徐鹤 教授 – 环境管理

He Xu徐鹤,南开大学环境科学与工程学院。他的研究领域主要包括战略环境评价,循环经济与气候变化。自1991年进入南开大学环境科学系开始学习,2001获得南开大学环境科学理学博士学位,并留校工作,2002-2003年联合国高等研究所(UNU/IAS)博士后。2008年晋升为教授,博士生导师;同时担任南开大学战略环境评价中心主任与南开大学循环经济研究中心副主任。先后作为英国皇家霍罗威管理学院、利物浦大学土建设计与东京大学环境研究中心方位学者进行学术交流。



  • Bai Hongtao*, Zhang Yingxuan, Wang Huizhi, Xu He*. (2014). A hybrid method for provincial scale energy-related carbon emission allocation in China, Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 48, 2541-2550. (IF=5.257)
  • Huizhi Wang, HongtaoBai*, Jia Liu, He Xu*. (2012). Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing Strategic Environmental Assessment effectiveness. Ecological indicators. Vol. 23: 413-420. (IF=2.967)
  • HongtaoBai, Huizhi Wang, He Xu*. (2010). Quantitative evaluation of air pollution in transport strategic environmental assessment: a case study based on uncertainty analysis and GIS technology. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A. Vol. 11(5). 370-381. (IF=0.527)

吴婧 副教授 – 高级环境评价

Jing Wu吴婧,南开大学环境科学与工程学院副教授。南开大学战略环境评价研究中心研究院主任助理。2005年获得南开大学环境科学博士学位,并与2008-2009学年度作为香港中文大学博士后、中国环境战略研究中心项目主任。同时拥有中华人民共和国环境影响评估工程师职业资格证书和中华人民共和国法律职业资格证书。具有15年环境管理、评估与计划的研究、实践与教学经验。自2000年,她参与到CIDA(加拿大国际开发署)、SIDA(瑞典国际开发合作署)和世界银行等组织赞助的咨询项目。



  • I-Shin Chang, Jing Wu*, Changbo Zhou, Mingmin Shi, Yanxia Yang. (2014). A time-geographical approach to biogas potential analysis of China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 37.318–333 (SCI IF= 6.018).
  • Jing WU, I-Shin CHANG*, Kin-Che LAM, Mingmin SHI. (2014). Integration of environmental impact assessment with the decision-making process: Practice of urban and rural planning in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 69.100-108. (SCI IF= 3.398)
  • I-Shin CHANG, Jing WU*, (2013). Integration of Climate Change Considerations into Environmental Impact Assessment - Implementation, Problems and Recommendations for China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. Vol. 7(4):598-607 (SCI IF=0.754). 

楚春礼 博士 – 工业生态学

Chunli Chu楚春礼,南开大学环境科学与工程学院讲师。2011年获得南开大学环境科学与工程学院博士学位。他的研究领域包括工业生态学、环境规划与管理和资源再利用。现教授课程包括环境科学基础(本科)和工业生态学(本科)。


  • Chu chunli,Ju Meiting,Yu Jinglei Yu,et al..Analysis on resource productivity in Binhai New Area of Tianjin city.MASS 2010:2010 International Conference on management and service science,24-26 Aug.2010
  • Chunli Chu, Meiting Ju and Wei Liu. Analysis of sustainability and advice on Eco-city of Binhai New Area of Tianjin city. ICECS 2010: 2010 3rd international conference on environmental and computer science. 17-19 October 2010:176
  • 鞠美庭,楚春礼,张琳等. 产业生态学与创新研究(译著).2010,化学工业出版社

单春燕 副教授 – 可持续发展原理与理论

Chunyan Shan单春燕,南开大学环境科学与工程学院副教授。1995年获得东北师范大学环境学学士学位,1998年获得东北师范大学自然地理学(环境规划方向)硕士学位,2008年获得东京工业大学交通规划专业工学博士学位。分别于2002年在加拿大麦吉尔大学、2012年日本工业大学作为方位学者进行学习研究。



  • Chunyan Shan & Tetsuo Yai (2010), Public involvement requirements for infrastructure planning in China, Habitat International 35 (2011) pp. 158-166
  • Chunyan Shan, Tetsuo Yai, Evaluation on the Public Involvement Practice of Tianjin Urban Expressway Project, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.43, 2008
  • 《环境管理基础教程》 (21 世纪全国环保局长培训教材 ) 其中第七章《环境规划》的编写,国家环境保护总局行政体制与人事司编, 中国环境科学出版社 , 2004