Funded research

In this most recent period, CRREN staff have won 11 grants (including awards from the ESRC and the AHRC).

Awards include:

1. 2013-2017: Understanding the dynamics of ethnic identity and inequality (CODE), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centres Competition, £2,321,690. Ref: ES/K002198/1 (NAZROO, BYRNE (University of Manchester), SMITH; VIRDEE).

2. 2014-2017: Location dynamics, owner occupation and ethnicity in Scotland, Economic and Social Research Council, £378,184, (PRICE; SMITH; VIRDEE).

3. 2014-2017: Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law and the State, AHRC Translating Cultures Large Grant award, £1,968,749, (GIBB).

4. 2015-2017: Racism and political mobilisation: learning from history and thinking internationally, Economic and Social Research Council Seminar Series, £25,395; (BHATTACHARYYA; WINTER (University of East London);VIRDEE).

5. 2015-2018: Migrant Christianity. Migration, Religion and Work in Comparative Perspective: Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellowship of the European Commission, 160,477euros (SCRINZI).

6. 2016-2018: Building Futures: Aspirations of Syrian Youth Refugees and Host Population Responses in Lebanon, Greece and the UK, RCUK Global Challenges Research Fund, £252,263 (MULVEY).

7. 2018-2019: Gender and the populist radical right in Europe, British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, £132,072, (SCRINZI).

8. 2019 to present: The worlding classroom: connecting places, disciplines and positionalities in discussing migration, asylum and borders. Glasgow-Radboud Collaboration Fund, £14,460 (PIACENTINI).

9. 2017-2018: Experience of camp/non-camp displacement: building learning from Jordan to build learning in Jordan. SFC-GCRF, £6235.00 (PIACENTINI).

10. 2016-2017: Improving Interpreting Practice in Healthcare Settings, ESRC-IAA, £5463.12 (PIACENTINI).

11. 2018: Finding Common Ground: Policy Implications of new evidence about Syrian refugees and citizens in the UK, Lebanon and Greece, ESRC, £14,900 (MULVEY).

Grant Applications

Most members are currently making preparations to submit grant applications, sometimes in collaboration with other colleagues within CRREN. Indicative examples include proposals on gender, religion and the far right in Europe (ESRC, SCRINZI); unearthing the colonial genesis of 21st-century urban planning in Europe (PICKER) and how do migrant populations do politics? a study of four localities (ESRC, MULVEY, PIACENTINI, VIRDEE).