Dr Nic Labrosse (co-chair)
I am passionate about learning and teaching in higher education, supporting our students, and working with them to build an environment enabling all of us to flourish as individuals.
My current educational research focuses on student transitions and student engagement. I have looked at the issues surrounding the experience of taught postgraduate (PGT) students studying for an MSc in the College of Science and Engineering, and that study resulted in a number of recommendations.
I chair the Higher Education Group of the Institute of Physics (IOP) and work relentlessly to highlight the fantastic work that is carried out in UK Higher Education Institutions and beyond to train our students as physicists. The Higher Education Group organises several meetings each year to share good practice, and also to critically discuss issues that arise in the physics higher education world.
I also joined the IOP Degree Accreditation Committee (as well as its team of assessors), and I do various other bits for IOP to promote Physics and Higher Education in general.
I am currently a Senior Fellow of the University of Glasgow’s Recognising Excellence in Teaching scheme, and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I am also a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
You can learn more about my activities and other interests here.