Grant Acquisition

Published: 14 December 2020

Lecturers in Hispanic Studies, French, and Comparative Literature won major grant funding in 2020 to support research in SMLC and the wider world.

Congratulations to the Writing in Transit Research Cluster, especially Drs Shanti Graheli, Henriette Partzsch (Hispanic Studies) and Professor Michael Syrotinski who secured new Leverhulme Visiting Professorship funding. This funding will allow Professor César Domínguez to spend the autumn semesters of 2021-22 and 2022-23 at SMLC. Professor Dominguez is an internationally-renowned scholar in Comparative Literature whose new research on the relationship between literature, linguistic diversity and biocultural sustainability is redefining the field. Work is currently underway in the School of Modern Languages & Cultures to develop a new Centre for Comparative Literature & Translation, which will be supported by Professor César Domínguez. He will also give masterclasses for the MLitt in Comparative Literature and work with PGR students, both in Glasgow and beyond.

Professor Stephen Forcer is co-investigator on an AHRC Scoping Grant (£148,000) looking at the use of the performing arts – especially comedy, theatre and dance – to address issues of social violence. Led by Professor Susan Fitzmaurice (Sheffield), the project will take place in Sierra Leone and South Africa over 2021 in partnership with the access-to-justice NGO Timap for Justice and Clowns Without Borders.

Dr Rachel Douglas (French) was also pleased to be awarded two grants to work on two endangered archive collections in Haiti. She was given a grant from the Prince Claus Fund's Promotion and Preservation of Haitian Arts and Culture programme. The award of €19,933 Euro will be used to stabilise and digitise the archival collection of the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH), Haiti's national museum. This will be a collaboration with the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC). Dr Douglas has also been awarded Global Challenges Research Funding from the Scottish Funding Council (£40,000) to work on capacity strengthening and digitisation with the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien and the Archives Nationales d’Haïti.

Haitian Archives

Also in French, Dr Jackie Clarke was among the recipients of a major collaborative seven-year grant towards the project 'Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time' with funding of $2,499,500.






First published: 14 December 2020

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