Staff expenses

Only travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses may be claimed via HR/Core - please see tab below for the most common issues/reasons for rejection of a claim!

Please be aware that expenses claims must be made within three months of the expense incurred. Any expenses claimed outwith the time limit will be rejected.

A Guide to Core Expenses, including screenshots and other useful information, is also located within Core itself - on the Employee Dashboard - choose documents, click on the magnifying glass, choose the guide from the list of documents.   Your expense claim will be approved by your line manager.

The Pay and Pensions section is normally able to make payment within ten working days of receipt of a correctly completed and approved expenses claim form. Claims will be reimbursed in sterling directly to the employee’s nominated bank account.

How to claim expenses

Staff should submit their claim online using the Employee Dashboard on the HR Self Service Portal.   

In order to select the correct sub-project to charge expenses to, you first need to have the correct cost centre: you should enter the cost centre in the header section of the expenses claim report.

  • 10301000 Archaeology
  • 10303000 Information Studies
  • 10304000 Celtic & Gaelic
  • 10305000 Classics
  • 10306000 History
    • 10306100 Centre for Scottish & Celtic Studies
    • 10306200 Centre for Gender History
  • 10307000 Philosophy
  • 10399000 School

If you have problems with the cost centre please contact

In the expense type drop-down menu, please take care to select an accurate description.  The drop-down menu extends over multiple windows.   This is especially important for research sub-projects to ensure that costs are correctly attributed to the correct account categories.

You must scan and upload receipts for expenses incurred and attach them to your online claim form.    You may attach individual receipts from your phone or scan these into a single document for upload.   Failure to supply receipts, or the provision of illegible receipts, can lead to delays in receiving payment, and may in some cases result in non-payment.  You are advised to retain original receipts until you are fully reimbursed for the claim.    The University does not require you to retain these thereafter.    You are also encouraged to use the 'save as other ... reduced size PDF' option to allow faster download and speed up the approval process by your line manager.

Overseas expenses

You should take care to ensure that you check the box for foreign expenses in any new expense item where appropriate.  You should then enter the foreign currency value of your receipt.   If the automatic system-generated currency exchange rate is unsuitable, you can amend either the rate or the actual currency. Within your claim you can select the Options button and choose Currency, from there you may choose an alternative currency or manually input the correct exchange rate for your expense item. If you choose to undertake this option some ‘proof’ of the exchange rate should be supplied along with your receipt.

Advance for expenses

An advance for expenses may only be claimed in exceptional circumstances.   If you require this facility, you must complete the Advance Expenses Request Form and submit this to with at least two weeks' notice.

Expense claims: most common issues/reasons for rejection


  • The University does not reimburse employees for personal subscriptions to professional bodies (note, you can claim tax relief on these in your tax return).
  • Subscriptions to journals, periodicals, software licences etc required for School use must be paid for by purchase order or purchasing card.  Subscriptions should be in the name of the University and not the individual.

Time limit – expense claims must be made within three months of the expense being incurred.  That means all receipts have to be dated within the last 3 months.    

3rd party expenses

  • Claims can only be made for your own expenses.  Paying other peoples’ expenses and reclaiming them is not allowed.
  • Claims cannot be made to reimburse payment to other people for work done.  This should be processed via normal procurement routes.

Currency not converted – e.g. receipt says $30 but expense claim submitted is for £30, check you are claiming for the correct amount.

Missing receipts  – where one could reasonably be expected. If you are missing a receipt, give an explanation.

Relocation costs – visas / relocation expenses for new staff should go through the HR (recruitment) claim process and not employee expenses.

Incorrect expense type in CORE selected – use the drop down list.  Commonly used types are subsistence and taxi, note many types have a UK and a non-UK version, e.g. hotel Non-UK.

Equipment and consumables such as laptops, i-pads, cameras, noise cancelling headphones etc. are not allowed. These must be purchased by purchase order or purchasing card.  Please be careful with this one!

Approving online expenses (line managers only)

As line manager, you will receive auto-generated system prompts regarding new expense reports that require your approval on the Core expenses system. 

If you are going to be absent from the University for a significant period of time, with limited internet access, please contact