Glasgow University
Kendo Club

Kendo means the "way of the sword" and is a modern Japanese martial art of sword fighting. Originating from the centuries old Kenjutsu developed by the Samurai class, Kendo uses armour (Bogu) and bamboo swords (Shinai) to allow safe yet realistic fights.


A kendo bout is an intense experience that challenges competitors both mentally and physically. Training involves not only practicing cutting techniques but also regular duels allowing practitioners to continually improve themselves.

Aside from being a good cardiovascular workout, Kendo also has many other benefits such as improving concentration and relieving stress.


This season the Kendo Club competed in a number of competitions, both individual and team and and had a great deal of success. This included in the UK University Taikai: bronze for a joint GUKC and Strathclyde team and a silver in the women's open. Added to this at the Scottish University Taikai event, we won bronze for GUKC Open Team, Bronze in the Men's Open, Gold in the Women's Open and Gold in the Women's Beginners.


Beginners are welcome to drop in for a free trial session at GUKC within the first two weeks of each semester, unless they have prior kendo experience – in which case they should drop the captain an email! All that's needed to join the club is some comfortable workout appropriate clothing, we supply the swords and armour! Please see the the Club Sport Training Timetable for training times.

Last updated: January 2022

How to Join

Joining a GU Sports Club is a simple, three-step process:

  1. Join UofG Sport with one of these three memberships only:
    • Student Sport 12-month Full-Access (£170)
    • Student Sport Semester Full-Access (£99)
    • Student Sport Accommodation 12-month Full-Access (£120)*
  2. Contact the Club about what membership type you should select (if you're unsure) or if you have any questions
  3. Use the Club Management Portal to join the Club online

You'll need your UofG Sport Member ID to join a Club. Here's where to find your Member ID.

* Discounted Accommodation membership is only available to students living in UofG Accommodation, and is not available for online purchase – please join at Front Desk at the Stevenson Building.