Get involved

There are many ways of getting involved in peer learning. If you are looking to attend a peer project head to the Peer Enabled Activities at the University of Glasgow section to find out whether your course offers any peer-led initiatives or contact us to enquire.

The rest of this section gives you some information regarding how to become a peer mentor or facilitator and how to set up your own project.  

Become a mentor

SLD Training

We are working to develop a central training programme for students across the university to develop as peer mentors or facilitators in the upcoming months. Watch this space for further details and resources. 

Training in Schools

Some of the peer initiatives taking place within specific courses will require students who want to volunteer as mentors or facilitators to undergo some sort of formal training. Once you have identified the project you would like to volunteer in, you should get in touch with the members of staff or students leading the initiative and they will be able to inform you of the steps you need to follow to be a part of the project.

Set up a project

Set up a project

Do you think one of your current or past courses would benefit from a peer scheme? We can help you shape and implement your own peer learning or support project. Each peer initiative has its own idiosyncrasies and requirements depending on its aims and scope, and our peer team is here to help you plan, shape, and advice on the development of individual schemes. Simply head to The Peer Team section and contact us.

We will help you create a project a project that is: 


What is the aim of your project? Will it be offered to undergrads in a specific course or to all students in a given School? How and when will it take place?


Ideally through short and targeted messages delivered to students using multiple media. These can include Moodle announcements, flyers and posters, short videos, reminders in lectures and tutorials, links in the peer learning website, etc.


Even when peer learning is student-driven, the implication of academic staff as sponsors and supporters of the project is often key to its success. Identify and contact academics who can get involved in your initiative.


Within a degree or course timetable, and clearly aligned with its learning aims and outcomes to maximise its impact.


We recommend three ways of monitoring for any peer project: attendance monitoring; debrief sessions between facilitators/mentors and the academic team; and feedback forms where students and mentors can express their views about the scheme.