Take care! 注意马路安全!

Published: 7 November 2017

Longer hours of darkness and increased traffic, particularly around construction sites on campus, have heightened the need for road safety awareness.

Longer hours of darkness and increased traffic, particularly around construction sites on campus, have heightened the need for road safety awareness.

It is everyone’s responsibility to keep our campuses safe, whether you are in a car, on a bike or on foot. Or on a skateboard!

The message is directed at all road-users following a number of incidents at the Gilmorehill and Garscube campuses.

  • Pedestrians are reminded to be attentive to traffic, particularly when crossing roads; newly-arrived international students should remember that traffic drives on the left in the UK. 
  • Headphones, hoodies and smart phones can put you at risk when you are on the move.
  • Cyclists are reminded that they must comply with legal requirements to have brakes and lights on their bicycles, that they should ensure their bicycles are roadworthy and that they are considerate towards other road users; 
  • Drivers are reminded that they should give priority to pedestrians on campus; 
  • All drivers and cyclists must keep to the speed limit on campus of 10mph but should also pay particular care on busy roads near the University. Pedestrians have priority at all times on campus.

Viola Retzlaff, Travel and Transport Co-ordinator at the University, said: “The key message to students and staff is to show consideration to other road users, whether you are walking, cycling or driving. The increase in construction work is likely to lead to changes to access. I would urge everyone to take care and think of others around them – we really do not want anyone to be hurt.”

Cyclists are reminded that GUEST (Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team) runs a Bike Hub where they can get their bicycles checked or repaired, learn new skills, and pick up a new high-visibility vest. For more information, email: estates-guest@glasgow.ac.uk






•         行人注意交通安全(尤其是过马路的时候),初次来英的国际学生请谨记英国交通左侧行驶;

•         行走时戴耳机听音乐,使用智能手机,甚至穿着连帽衫都有可能会置您于危险之中;

•         骑自行车的人士必须遵守法律规定在自行车上安装刹车和灯光,确保自行车适合道路行驶,并请在骑行过程中注意其他道路使用者;

•         司机需优先考虑校园内的行人;

•         所有的司机和骑自行车的人士必须遵守每小时10英里的限速规定,并在大学附近的交通要道上尤其提高警惕。

格拉斯哥大学交通协调员Viola Retzlaff表示:“我们想传达的关键信息是,无论您是步行骑自行车还是开车,请务必注意其他道路使用者。建筑工程的实施很可能导致道路的改变,希望大家在路上多加小心,留心周围车流与行人。我们希望所有人能够平安出门,平安回家。”


First published: 7 November 2017

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