Academic Policy & Governance (APG) is a new unit formed from the former Senate and Academic Collaboration Offices. (See APG Welcome page for further information.)

Enhancement-led Institutional Review

Enhancement-led institutional review (ELIR) is the external review method for universities and other higher education institutions in Scotland. ELIR is coordinated by the Quality Assurance Agency (Scotland). Its main focus is to consider an institution's strategic approach to enhancement, placing a particular emphasis on the arrangements for improving the student learning experience. ELIR also examines the institution's ability to secure the academic standards of its awards.

ELIR reviews are carried out on a five-yearly cycle by a team of six reviewers: one student reviewer, one international reviewer, three senior UK-based academic reviewers and one coordinating reviewer. At the end of the review, the ELIR team produces a full report and a summary report of its findings.

ELIR 4 - 2018-19

Universities are subject to review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) on a five-yearly cycle.

The University was reviewed in January and March 2019 and received the highest possible outcome; a judgement which confirmed that the University is effective in the management of academic standards and in enhancing quality.  This is a positive judgement and reflects the dedication across the institution to providing an excellent student experience. 

The QAA reports are available at QAA ELIR University of Glasgow. These include the QAA's Outcome Report, Technical Reort and the University's Year-on Response to the Review.

To inform the review, the University prepared a reflective analysis outlining areas of strength and opportunities for development:

The preparations for the ELIR visit were led by the Vice Principal (Learning & Teaching) supported by the ELIR Steering Committee which contains representatives from each College, relevant services, Senate and Court. The membership of the Committee can be found ELIR Steering Committee Membership.


In all reviews to date, the ELIR review teams reached the best possible conclusions about the University: In 2019, 2014 and 2009, the team had ‘confidence’ in the effectiveness of the University’s management of academic standards, and of the assurance and enhancement of the student learning experience, both currently and in the future; and in 2004, the team had ‘broad confidence’ in the soundness of University procedures.

ELIR Resources

Just some of the information and resources that can be found on QAA Scotland's ELIR page

Additional Information