Newsletter - July 2018

We’re delighted to bring you the third Glasgow Molecular Pathology Node newsletter this July! 

Since our last update, we’ve enjoyed weeks of glorious sunny weather as well as maintaining our focus on driving forward our diagnostics development!  As always, this has been made possible only by working in close partnership across NHS, industry and the University – thanks so much to all of you involved for your leadership and contribution.

In May, our Promoting Partnerships (PRecision diagnOstics MOlecular paThology and imagING network) event showcased some fantastic talks on digital pathology and imaging, and enabled really productive interactions, leading for example to the swift development of a new industry-collaborative PhD studentship, which is currently in recruitment.  We’re already looking forward to our next event, on Thursday 27th September.

In June, it was a pleasure to see two Glasgow undergraduate medical students presenting at the Pathological Society/BDIAP summer meeting in Maastricht.  Our Masters-level students in Molecular Pathology are having a well-earned summer break while Tomoko Iwata and colleagues are putting the final touches on next year’s teaching as well as being delighted to announce our new intercalated BScMedSci in Molecular Pathology!

Finally, our summer festival - ahem - Annual Symposium – will be on Wednesday 12th September.  We have a great line-up of speakers to showcase and celebrate our activities and you can find more details later in the newsletter.  We look forward to welcoming you at this our third Node Symposium, and hope to see you also at one of our other events.  Between now and then, we hope you enjoy some relaxing time and sunshine! 

Best wishes

Karin Oien
