Malaysian students at Falls of Falloch

We are two Malaysian veterinary post-graduates representing Universiti Putra Malaysia selected for a two-month research visit to the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Professor David Eckersall at the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine from May through June 2017. We received warm welcome from everybody we met at the University. The campus is beautiful and the architecture of the buildings is magnificent in addition to the rich history of the University in which the Hunterian Museums showcased. We were in good hands while undergoing our lab training in the areas of Western blots and proteomics. The skills and knowledge we received will benefit our research in the future. Besides that, the learning environment was wonderful and everybody was ready to lend a hand.
Malaysian students in Lab 2017
Of course, as tropical beings, we had to pile on clothes on ourselves to bear the weather. Other than that, our stay was fantastic and we really enjoyed the people and Scotland. Some of the scenic places we visited includes the Highlands, Loch Ness, Fort William and Loch Lomond. We will definitely have great pictures to use as desktop backgrounds for many years to come.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the University of Glasgow under the Global Challenge Research Fund Project, Professor David Eckersall, Universiti Putra Malaysia especially Dr. Jesse Faez Firdaus, and everybody involved with making this an unforgettable learning journey.

Terima kasih dan semoga kita berjumpa lagi.
(Thank you and till we meet again)

Diyana and Fitri

First published: 4 July 2017