Template Responses for FOI Requests

Template Responses for FOI Requests

All University responses to requests for information must be in a formal letter, complete with the University crest and contact information. It is recommended that the reply is in the same format/media, such as an email, as the original request unless the requester explicitly specifies some other format.

If the reply is via email, then the formal response letter and any enclosures should be sent as an attachment to the email. The preferable format for response letters and appendices is a PDF file. A .doc, .rtf, or .txt file is not acceptable for response to FOI requests. Advice is available from your Freedom of Information Coordinator or from the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office.

A number of standard templates are available when responding to information requests.

There are two "Refusal Notice" templates provided. These are for use when the requested information is exempt under (a) section 25 of FoISA because it is otherwise accessible, or (b) section 17 of FoISA because the University does not hold the information. These refusal notices should be issued by Freedom of Information Coordinators.  All other possible "Refusal Notices" must be referred to, and issued by, the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office.

The above templates include text referring to the University's review procedure for complaints regarding the handling of information requests. Applicants have a right to this review procedure information, so these template letters should be used for all responses to FOI applicants.

Further advice on the use of the templates is available from the DP and FOI Office.