Popular lecture "Mathematical sketches" by Dr N.N. Andreev

Friday 11th March, 2016

Popular Lecture

Sunday 20th March, 10am until Noon, Lecture Theatre 204, Mathematics Building, 15 University Gardens, University of Glasgow

The mathematical essence of various phenomena from the outside world will be discussed and uncovered in this interactive lecture. This ranges from major historical achievements to simple things we meet in everyday life. Some specific questions might include aspects of how GPS navigators work, how trains turn, what is the ratio of the sides of an A4 sheet of paper, how to find the distance to the horizon, and much more. Some interesting mathematical questions will be discussed too.

The lecture is aimed at secondary school children interested in mathematics. School teachers and parents are welcome too. The venue will be confirmed shortly. Please contact maths-stats-events@glasgow.ac.uk if you are interested in attending this event.

About the lecturer:

Dr Nicolai Andreev is a key Russian mathematician promoting mathematics. He leads the Laboratory of Popularization and Promotion of Mathematics at Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Science. In the last decade he developed the website "Mathematical Etudes", http://www.etudes.ru/en/ which contains a unique growing collection of mathematical animations. In 2015 he edited the book "Mathematical Essence" which received the Enlightener prize for the best natural and exact sciences popular book in Russian (to be translated).